For better or worse, summertime is one of the few times when things slow down just a bit in NYC.
You can get in at some restaurants you might not otherwise.
Lots of fresh fish is in season.
And it’s the perfect season to go in pursuit of the best lobster roll.
Last we discussed lobster rolls, I’d tried a roll out in the Hamptons and enjoyed the ambiance of the place but was looking for more from my crustacean on a bun.
[The word crustacean will always remind me of this fine gentleman.]
And I digress.
The other night, I went on a lovely date to The Mermaid Inn to continue the Great Lobster Roll Hunt of 2K13. This one is on brioche, not a hot dog bun, but other than that, it was damn good. Though I usually love me some French fries–especially ones with Old Bay–the seasoning on these was just a bit too heavy-handed for me.
Mermaid Inn gives you one free side per table with a Foursquare checkin, so we got kale and asparagus on the side.
Cute touches:
You get one of those floppy fish fortune tellers at the end of your meal.
As well as a little chocolate pudding. I honestly think the last time I had chocolate pudding was a Jell-O pudding in high school, and this was just a little bit better than that.
The other great perk to summertime in NYC is that with many people out in the Hamptons, fitness studios are doing some awesome deals.
Revolve is running discounts on their classes through the end of August.
My lovely lady friends at Uplift are also running a great 1/2 price off deal on all off-peak classes until Labor Day! (Let me know if you want to go together! I haven’t been since I started marathon training but really need to get back!) One of their co-founders, the super-sweet and adorable Leanne, has also started a running class on Monday nights in Central Park. She runs a 3:29 marathon, so she kinda knows what she’s talking about.
NYC friends: favorite lobster roll!? Any other fitness deals we should know about?
Everyone else: favorite summer food? How does summer change your fitness routine/any awesome deals in your town?