Category Archives: NYC

The Furry Little Heart Outside My Body

As usual, I have a ton of blog post topics swirling around in my head, but right now, there’s only one thing I can write about, because there’s only one thing I’m thinking about right now.


This little dude.

I went to take him for a walk today, and he was limping on one of his little legs. Carla often calls her daughter her “heart outside her body,” and that is exactly how I feel about my little dog.

I saw him limp, and my heart broke for him. I was so worried, and I picked up all 22 pounds of him to protect him from putting weight on the leg that was obviously hurting him. He broke a leg as a puppy, so although I’ve heard that sometimes dogs get random limps that are gone a few hours later, I wasn’t taking any chances and took his little butt straight to the vet, where a few tears slipped down my face as he gave me the saddest little puppy face.

The vet called us into an exam room, and I tried to let him walk on it a bit and he fell onto his side because he wouldn’t put weight on that foot. They gave him pain meds, and they told me to bring him back tomorrow for x-rays if he was still in pain. They’re also testing him for Lyme disease, since he was just in N.J. He does still seem to be uncomfortable, so I’m taking him in first thing tomorrow morning.

He’s 6.5 years old, and he’s been with me through multiple moves and all the ups and downs of the past 6.5 years and is always there with some puppy kisses after a long day. I know he’ll be fine, but I can’t help but worry myself sick about him.

I’m pretty sure that means if I worry this much about my little dog, I’ve already turned into my mom.

Are you a crazy dog lady too? Do you worry yourself sick about your sweet little furry friends? Tell me about your furry friends. Or share funny animal videos with me.

A Soul-Nourishing Weekend

This weekend, I nourished my soul. (And my belly.)


A friend had a Derby party on Saturday, and I made deviled eggs for the first time ever, using Anne’s healthy deviled egg recipe. It substitutes Greek yogurt for mayo. I think mayo is gross, so yogurt > mayo, always. (Relatedly gross: cottage cheese, sour cream.) It takes a lot of patience to carefully peel the eggs, and I ruined the first two eggs as I tried to tear the shells off, but then I calmed the eff down and got into an eggshell peeling groove and remembered why cooking can be so therapeutic.


[Thanks to Jen for this photo. Go over to her blog and congratulate her on her PR and say happy birthday!!!]

Yesterday morning, I ventured down to NJ bright and early to spectate the NJ Marathon/Long Branch Half. Part of what has made any great race so enjoyable for me has been awesome spectators, so it was rewarding to be on the other side for some awesome runner friends, even if it was chillier than I realized.

I haven’t spectated many races, because if I’m free for a race…I’m usually running it … or am lazy and snuggling under my covers… so I expected to have some serious race FOMO yesterday, but I was really happy and excited for everyone else’s great races and PRs and only had a tiny twinge of FOMO walking back home after I got back into the city.


Then last night, I had Ashley and Bo over for dinner, and I made tacos/fajitas. (All pics via Ashley.)


Proof that I cook sometimes. Or push peppers around in a pan, whatever.


Bo made the margaritas, and he made them strong. Hey, I’m not complaining.

How’d you nourish your soul (or belly!) this weekend?