
I love working with like-minded health, fitness and luxury brands. I’ve worked with brands like Disney, American Express and Blue Diamond before, as well as spoken at conferences.

I’m available for event sponsorship, speaking engagements, social media training, social media management, copywriting and sponsored posts.

If you have a blog, small business, fitness studio or Etsy shop you’d like to promote, please consider advertising on Preppy Runner! Sponsorship includes display of your ad (three size options are available) on my sidebar for one month as well as links to your site in a sponsor shout out post posted during the month of your sponsorship.

By sponsoring Preppy Runner, you will have access to my:

up to 200,000 pageviews a month and growing
8,300+ Twitter followers
1,600+ Facebook fans
3,300+ Instagram followers
1,300+ Pinterest followers
2,500+ Google Reader subscribers

(Figures as of May 2014)

Please use the store below or email me at theodora@preppyrunner.com.


10 comments on “Sponsor

  1. Mitchell Porter


    I am interested in advertising on your site but I am not interested in any of the options you have listed. I represent an advertiser that would like to retarget your website’s visitors on platforms like facebook.

    How would this work? All you would have to do is place a tiny string of code anywhere in your website’s source code. Just as easy as pasting an image into your articles like you are already doing.

    We would pay you a CPM rate so for example a $1.00 CPM would mean that for every 1000 unique visitors that land on your site and “see” the code you would be paid $1.00

    The best part about this is that you won’t actually be displaying an ad to your visitors. Once the code is placed on your visitors we will be showing them ads somewhere else like facebook.

    The advertiser loves your site and we are ready to get started with this right away.

    You can reach me at 714-906-7140 or my skype id is: mportercmg

    Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.

  2. David Chatwin

    Hi there, I am very interested in the amount of page views you get monthly, I submitted a banner and am excited to see how it will do. I am not sure if mine included the shouts which I am wondering whether it can be charged separately if not. If I get good response from your traffic, I will be a permanent advertiser.

  3. Tom Vinkler

    My name is Tom Vinkler, I’m the co-founder of Sociercise LLC. We’re a start-up company, we came out with our first iPhone app for runners a few months aga, and recently started Sociercise Charity Races, a new direction that we are just trying to get off the ground.

    Theodora, the reason I’m writing to you is actually to ask whether you’d be interested in partnering with us on this endeavor. We have some shortcomings when it comes to social media, (where you seem to do really well) and this would be a partnership where, for example, you help us with communication, and we would share our revenues with you.
    Alternatively, we just started an ambassador program as well (http://www.sociercise.com/ambassadors) so if that’s more to your liking you’re quite welcome to join.

    Look forward to hearing from you,

  4. Samantha Ducati


    Hope you are having a great day! I love your site losingweightinthecity.com, and think it would be a great fit for my marketing campaign. I was hoping to get in touch with someone to discuss your advertising options, and would be interested in learning about your rates for in-copy text links to relevant, non-spam resource sites.

    I have a few articles that I think would be a great fit for you and your readers, and would be more than happy to send one over for you to take a look .

    If someone can give me some more information on your advertising, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks so much for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.



  5. pasha mor

    Hello. My Name is Pasha and i want to use your subscribed list for solo ads. My ad is related to weight loss.

    -Can i buy a solo ad from you?
    -How many active subscribers do you have?
    -What is your average email open rate?
    -How much is your solo ad?

    Best Regards

  6. Lisa Hunt

    H​i there!

    I came across your blog and wanted to reach out about product
    sampling. I have a grassroots superfood nutritional shake line called
    powerootz (www.powerootz.com) and I think you will be really impressed
    with it’s unique ingredients and amazing taste.

    I would love to send you some free samples and am hoping to get the
    word out about this new shake line. Do you do product reviews?

    I think your readers would love recommendations for a super clean and
    delicious protein/nutritional shake that they can use in place of the
    processed junk that’s out there!

    Looking forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to ask me any
    questions! ​:]

    Best in health,


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