Tag Archives: exercise

Sundays make for lazy blogger Theodora. 

Photo 1: Breakfast, made by my mom: eggs with bruschetta and a bit of mozzarella. Pretty amazing.

Photo 2: Pulled lamb sandwich, with half fries, half salad. Not amazing at all; pretty disappointing.

Photos 3-4: A chicken pattie on a bagel thin and sweet potato wedges.

Not pictured: a delicious smoothie between Photos 2 and 3. Also, I dragged my lazy allergy-ridden self to a spin class with Sara. When I’m not in the mood to work out, I try to do a class; it usually helps. I was pretty dehydrated from my allergies, so I sweat a ton. I finally got to try out my spin clips, and they were pretty rockin’.

Spin shoes/clips help you clip into the bike so your leg gets a better extension than when your foot is fighting to stay within the bike’s cage. 

Runner’s World/Foot Locker 10K Class

Last night was the first session of the class. (Don’t worry, I’ll only write about it if something interesting happens or I learn something interesting.) Emily and I met up and chatted about being a little nervous for what we were in for. The instructors explained how the class would work, and we set out to run.

Emily and I split up when I decided I wanted to try the intermediate/advanced group. I started off running alone, but some guy started talking to me and then a pair of cute guys started talking to me. (Apparently running groups are a good way to meet sexy runner men? Who knew?) I felt pretty badass that I could keep up with the boys…or maybe they were just slow.

We did a warmup and ran two of the inner loops in Central Park and then ended the class with stretching. The running part was pretty easy, but I have a feeling they’ll get tougher on us. Which is what I signed up for! I also met reader Franchesca. This is only the second time (meeting Isaac aka ninetydays on Saturday was the first) that a reader came up to me, so I was totally flustered!