Five years ago, I left D.C. to move back to the NYC area. Coming from a close-knit Italian family, I felt so far from home sometimes, even though I could still get home by train or car in just a few hours if I ever really had to. I missed missing out on birthdays and simple family gatherings that made up the fabric of a family’s shared experience. I won’t lie – I moved up here just as much for career reasons, too – but family was a huge part of my move.
And being able to hop on a train and be home in around an hour yesterday to see this little muffin (my cousin’s daughter) for her second birthday: absolutely priceless.
And being able to spend the day with my mom, my best friend, on Mother’s Day? Sure, there was some fun stuff going on in the city that I missed this weekend, but I wouldn’t trade spending Mother’s Day with my mom for anything. (Um, nor would she let me. Please see: Italian mother, only child.) We went to breakfast at Raymond’s, a relatively new restaurant in Ridgewood, a few towns over. We spent the day just hanging out together at home and then had dinner at my favorite restaurant in NJ, Portobello. (Her request, not mine, I swear!)
I’ve read some posts today about those who have lost their mothers, those who are going through difficult times with family, and I’ve thought of friends and family who have or are having problems having children, and I wish peace to all of them as I hug my mom a little tighter. A very special happy mother’s day to all of those new moms and moms-to-be!