Tag Archives: family

Through the Candy Cane Forest

One of the hardest things about being unemployed (other than the obvious lack of job and salary) is all the me time.

I’m generally pretty happy with the person I’ve become and am content now to just hang out alone without plans (this one took a long time to be okay with)—but when you throw in an extra 40-something hours a week of me time, I struggle. It can get pretty lonely sometimes.

But thankfully, my family is just a short car ride away and my mom can hear in my voice when I need to just get away for a little bit, so when she asked if I wanted to come home for dinner tonight, I immediately said yes.

So through the Lincoln Tunnel and the candy cane forest, I came back to NJ for the night.



We She made scallops, sweet potato wedges and broccoli. And Texas Toast. I have such a weird soft spot in my heart for Texas Toast, as terrible as it is for me.



Some of the little things that are making me smile while home are all of the Halloween touches my mom has around the house.


And their cat, Butterskotch. (The k is because cats can’t spell, obviously.) And my cousin’s baby, who we stopped to see on the way home.

What makes you smile when you visit your parents? (Or what do you do when you’re feeling lonely?)

The Calm After the Storm Was Quite the Opposite

I should know by now. Any time you say that you think things have gotten calm is precisely when they take a turn for the opposite.

My aunt called yesterday afternoon and said their house was flooding and water from the river was shooting out of their plumbing.

Before my parents left to go pick them up, there were three humans, two cats and one dog here.


Nine humans (including one baby!), four dogs and two cats.



Tony, Teddy (who is named after me but hates me. Thanks little guy.)




And, of course, my sweet friend Bailey here.


The family descended upon us with bags upon bags.


And food that would have otherwise gone bad.DSC_0233

Thanks for the fruit, family.


When you come from an Italian family and you need to put a dinner for nine together at the drop of a hat, you unfreeze spaghetti sauce and make spaghetti. (I mean, apparently. All I did was smile, pour wine and help set the table. But I guess it’s the Italian version of “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”)


Thank god for vegetables.


And cupcakes.

I don’t usually get all bent out of shape about a few unhealthy meals, but I cannot wait to run.

I said I wanted a hurricane party, but I guess I never specified with whom. A family hurricane party is interesting, too. I’m sorry it’s because my family suffered damage, but I’m glad that everyone’s okay.