Tag Archives: fitbloggin’

Review: Carrots ‘n’ Cake: The Book


I’m at Newark Airport right now, I think?

Yesterday, my mom and I drove up to Rhode Island. We had to leave this morning, unexpectedly, and drive back to NYC. We got in around 12, and I took a quick shower and gobbled down a sandwich before I hopped in a cab to Newark.


I’m flying up to Boston now, and I’ll be flying to Baltimore tomorrow for Fitbloggin’. I’m finally back on schedule right now. NYC > Boston > Baltimore was always on the schedule; NYC > RI > NYC was not. C’est la vie.

Carrots ‘n’ Cake Review:

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A few months ago, Tina‘s publisher sent a few copies of her book to Woman’s Day, and I managed to nab a copy.

I read about half of it, but decided to wait until everyone else had received theirs to finish it. (I also don’t usually look at menus before I go out to eat because I don’t want to be sitting around tapping my thumbs while everyone else is looking. Maybe I’m just weird.)

But a few weeks ago, when everyone else got their copies of Carrots ‘n’ Cake, I finished my copy, too.

What makes Tina so likable as a person and a blogger–her straightforward, relatable way of talking–also made her book a really easy read. I felt like I was talking to her in a bar about her healthy ways.

She walks you through myriad situations where it’s easy to fall off the healthy bandwagon–happy hour, going on vacation–and tells you her strategies for enjoying yourself without going overboard. But she’s struggled with the occasional binges herself, so she also talks about how to recognize what’s causing a binge and move on from it. She weaves lots of personal anecdotes in with her tips.

If you’ve read her blog for more than a second, you know she definitely has a sweet tooth, and so the book is worth it alone for the easy baking recipes. Her pomegranate apple crisp and pumpkin muffins look pretty amazing. She also throws plenty of workouts in–both strength and cardio.

Over the past few months, Tina has turned from one of my favorite bloggers to one of my favorite bloggers and one of my favorite people. I’ve had the chance to spend a good amount of time with her in NYC and at various events with other bloggers, and she is even more fun in person than she comes across on her blog. I’m so proud of her for her book, and I’m really excited to go support her at her book signing!

Theodora On The Run

Why should Ali, Becky and Lauren have all the on-the-run fun?

Tomorrow and Thursday, I’ll be in Rhode Island for family stuff. (Good family stuff! I’m not sure yet if I can say why, but I’ll find out tomorrow.)

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Thursday evening/Friday morning in Boston for Tina’s book signing!

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Friday – Sunday for Fitbloggin’:

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I’m just packing for three different cities with a difference of 35 degrees. No big deal.

Lie. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO PACK. (That’s why I’m blogging! I apparently have quite a little history of blogging when I should be packing.)

I know I need to bring Tina’s book for her to sign (!), sneakers, running clothes, Garmin, my laptop and two cameras, but I have no idea what else to pack just yet.


I also had no idea what to eat for lunch. I didn’t even attempt to go grocery shopping on Sunday, since I knew I’d only be around for two days this week. Dori works across the street from me, so I gchatted her to ask where she thought I should go near our offices that wasn’t Pump. She suggested a bunch of places in the concourse under our buildings, and I finally went with Cafe Metro. I had half a turkey hummus sandwich on multigrain bread and a small soup with Italian sausage.


I forgot a snack at work today, so I was ravenous when I got home. I made a little plate of pizza nachos–multi-grain flaxseed tortilla chips with marinara sauce and feta cheese.


I warmed up Sunday’s pizza for dinner–in the oven! I’ve never had the patience to do that before tonight, and I really have no idea where the patience came from tonight.

I didn’t work out today because I’m still under the weather and didn’t want to push myself. This also means I skipped the NYRR Wall Street 3M, one of my fave races 🙁 But Ashley ran it and got an awesome PR! Go read her recap! I’m going to try to be easy on myself mentally about working out this week because I’m a little sick and traveling, but my rough plan for the rest of the week:

  • Wednesday: either nothing, a walk, some elliptical in the hotel gym, or a DVD. Giving myself lots of choices here.
  • Thursday: 3-4 mile run
  • Friday: some sort of exercise at the conference
  • Saturday: 8-mile run

I guess I should go pack now…

Do you exercise when you’re away or is it a welcome break from working out?