Theodora On The Run

Why should Ali, Becky and Lauren have all the on-the-run fun?

Tomorrow and Thursday, I’ll be in Rhode Island for family stuff. (Good family stuff! I’m not sure yet if I can say why, but I’ll find out tomorrow.)

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Thursday evening/Friday morning in Boston for Tina’s book signing!

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Friday – Sunday for Fitbloggin’:

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I’m just packing for three different cities with a difference of 35 degrees. No big deal.

Lie. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO PACK. (That’s why I’m blogging! I apparently have quite a little history of blogging when I should be packing.)

I know I need to bring Tina’s book for her to sign (!), sneakers, running clothes, Garmin, my laptop and two cameras, but I have no idea what else to pack just yet.


I also had no idea what to eat for lunch. I didn’t even attempt to go grocery shopping on Sunday, since I knew I’d only be around for two days this week. Dori works across the street from me, so I gchatted her to ask where she thought I should go near our offices that wasn’t Pump. She suggested a bunch of places in the concourse under our buildings, and I finally went with Cafe Metro. I had half a turkey hummus sandwich on multigrain bread and a small soup with Italian sausage.


I forgot a snack at work today, so I was ravenous when I got home. I made a little plate of pizza nachos–multi-grain flaxseed tortilla chips with marinara sauce and feta cheese.


I warmed up Sunday’s pizza for dinner–in the oven! I’ve never had the patience to do that before tonight, and I really have no idea where the patience came from tonight.

I didn’t work out today because I’m still under the weather and didn’t want to push myself. This also means I skipped the NYRR Wall Street 3M, one of my fave races 🙁 But Ashley ran it and got an awesome PR! Go read her recap! I’m going to try to be easy on myself mentally about working out this week because I’m a little sick and traveling, but my rough plan for the rest of the week:

  • Wednesday: either nothing, a walk, some elliptical in the hotel gym, or a DVD. Giving myself lots of choices here.
  • Thursday: 3-4 mile run
  • Friday: some sort of exercise at the conference
  • Saturday: 8-mile run

I guess I should go pack now…

Do you exercise when you’re away or is it a welcome break from working out?


8 comments on “Theodora On The Run

  1. Ash Bear

    Aww thanks for the shoutout! I normally use one if my rest days during vacation but workout the rest of the days. Remember from Vegas, working out can be lifting drinks, dancing, and walking. 😉

  2. Sam @ Mom At The Barre

    I feel your pain at having to pack for three different forecasts.

    As far as working out while on vacation, it depends how long I am going for. If its a short trip (less than 3 days) then I totally take some time off. Longer than that and I start getting antsy…

  3. Becky

    Welcome to on-the-run! The more, the merrier. I hope New England shapes up and gives you more than just rain during your stay. See you on Thursday at Tina’s signing!


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