Tag Archives: half-marathon

DC RNR Half Training: Week 4 Recap


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It’s late, but I’m going to pop in for a short post because this week isn’t getting any less crazy so I’m going to get this training recap up now.

So…my mileage is basically exactly what it was last week. I still only got in 3/4 runs…but again, the runs I got in were good.

Monday: rest day

Tuesday: yoga + 6.53 mile run. Jess had me doing a 60-minute run: 8 minutes, 2 minutes pick-up, repeat until I got to 60 minutes, and I did yoga at night. Holy endorphin high Tuesday.

Wednesday – Friday: fail…

Saturday: 4-mile run with NYJL run club

Sunday: 7-miler on treadmill

So, as you can see…I took more rest days than not. Awesome. I have a ton going on outside of work right now, and obviously my fitness has been suffering a bit. February is going to be insanely excitingly busy, so I need to just keep fighting to get my runs in as well as some cross-training/yoga/strength.

*Edited to add (as in I remembered this the second I hit post): Jess and I adjusted my schedule a bit; rather than shooting for Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun, I’m now shooting for Tues/Weds/Sat/Sun, since I have an early meeting on Thursdays and generally have a hard time consistently waking up to get that run in early and want a rest day from running on Monday after Sat/Sun runs*

How many days do you usually work out per week? I usually shoot for somewhere between 4-6; basically I just want to work out more days than I don’t.

Which days do you usually run? How many days in a row will you run?

RNR USA Half-Marathon Training: Week 2

When I was training for Marine Corps, I started doing weekly recaps of my training. At first, I was nervous to do so because I didn’t want to ‘fess up if I skipped a workout, but as you can imagine, it kept me more accountable. I’m training for the D.C. Half now, and I really want to PR, so I am trying to avoid falling into the “it’s just a half” mindset and train seriously for this race.

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…starting this week.

I was sick last week and before that, my motivation had seriously been waning, but after being sick for a few days, I just wanted to run, and I’m back to feeling mentally great after a run, so I’m chasing those endorphins again.

My friend/coach Jess does “Say It, Do It,” where she commits to her workouts in advance; I’ve found that recapping them usually works better for me.

So, a look at last week:

Monday – Wednesday: sick

Thursday: 3-mile run + strength session

Friday: restorative yoga (not really a workout, but hey.)

Saturday: 6-mile run with Fiona

Sunday: Soul Cycle

Monday: AWESOME speed session: 1.5 mile warm-up, 4 x 800 (4:02, 3:59, 3:57, 3:52!), 1 mile cool-down. I watched the Inauguration coverage while on the treadmill and remembered when I covered it eight years ago for my college paper. IT WAS FREEZING.

I’m back on the sweat therapy, and it’s awesome. The weather wasn’t terrible this weekend, so I also got lots of mind-clearing long walks in.

What kind of workouts did you do last week, and how do you keep yourself accountable for workouts? What are you training for right now?