Tag Archives: lunch

I Eat Treadmills for Lunch

I overslept this morning. (Is anyone shocked?) I meant to wake up early to run outside, but it didn’t happen, so I went to the gym at lunch to rock three miles on the treadmill. They were supposed to be “easy,” but I get bored on the treadmill, so I ended up bumping up the speed to 6.8 by the last mile. Oops.

I seem to get a bunch of questions any time I work out at lunch, so here’s how I do it.

1. Grab gym clothes, look both ways and furtively sneak out. I don’t know why, but working out at lunch always makes me feel guilty. (I also think this is a female thing–I was talking with a male and female coworker with this the other day and the female said she felt guilty about it, the male thought we were crazy.)

2. Power-walk to the gym. Knock over small children if you have to.

3. Take your clothes off as quickly as possible. It helps if you practice this at home, preferably not alone.

4. Plan a short workout. If you are set on taking no more than an hour (which I am), you probably can’t work out for more than 30 minutes. Make the 30 minutes count! Do intervals or another hard workout. If you are planning a longer workout, you will be frustrated when you have to cut it short. Alternately, take a class and sneak out early.

4. Don’t wear much makeup in the morning. The less makeup you’re wearing, the less makeup you have to wash off/sweat off.

5. Rock as high and loose a ponytail as you can to avoid hair elastic lines.

6. If you’re choosing between cutting your workout short and stretching, always stretch. I’d rather have a shorter workout than injure myself. I worship hard at the temple of stretching. (Although my tight leggies beg to differ.)

7. Shower. Don’t wash your hair, and blow-dry the sweat out of your hair. (What can I say? I keep it classy.)

8. Go back to work and refuel.


What I’m Focusing on for Race Week

While I have three half-marathons coming up, I consider this Sunday’s the most important. It’s the one I’m hoping for the best time in, because it’s the only one I’ve done before, and so I have a measure of what I can do on that course. Last year, I ran it in 2:13. Since then, I have run a 2:09 half.

My training for this half has been inconsistent at best. I’m thinking of refocusing my goal on just PR-ing, to be a little more realistic, rather than aiming at breaking 2:00. Either way, I plan on taking this race the most seriously.

So this week, I will be:

  • trying to eat cleaner (more real/whole foods, less processed stuff and dairy)
  • drinking lots of water
  • limiting red meat and dairy
  • limiting the booze (usually I would say eliminating the week before a race, but let’s get real: St. Patrick’s Day is Thursday. CARB-LOADING, my friends.)
  • doing yoga at least twice
  • strength training tonight
  • doing 1-2 easy runs
  • lots of stretching
  • focusing on getting good sleep
  • limiting the sugar

[You know, stuff I should be doing anyway.]

For breakfast, I had oats + sunflower butter + a banana. If you read other health blogs, you’ve probably already seen a picture of oatmeal today, and my oatmeal at work is not pretty, so I will spare you.


For lunch, I had a turkey burger, brown rice and broccoli from City Chow, the cafe in Equinox. Grocery shopping tonight!