Tag Archives: lunch

Blog Birthday + a Giveaway!

Two years ago, I decided to start a blog. At the time there was only one health blog I read–Nutritionista. I liked her health and nutrition tips, but even more, I liked how she (used to) take pictures of all her meals on Fridays.

After reading her blog and a number of other Tumblr blogs, I decided to start my own blog to document my weight loss. As you can see in my first post, I’d already lost eight pounds. I was happy with that, but honestly wasn’t sure if I’d be able to lose 41 more (at the time I wanted a round 140, but quickly realized that 50 sounded way cooler than 49.) I went to the gym a LOT, but hadn’t even started running yet!

I had no idea that nearly two years later, I’d still be going.

That I’d have met some of my best friends over the internets.

That I’d go to a blog conference for health bloggers–and run 16 miles while there!

That I’d spend my birthday weekend with eight other couples in Vermont and be totally fine with it because I was so comfortable with everyone there.

That the freakin’ New York Times would write about me! (And others!)

I have had an amazing two years with this blog, and I can’t wait to see how it keeps growing!



For breakfast, after hopping on the scale and seeing that I’d somehow lost that six pounds of water weight after this weekend (gross), I went for my fairly regular breakfast before I headed off to a work conference for the morning. I knew they’d have lots of sugary breakfast foods, and I wanted to eat something on my own terms.


I went straight from home to the conference, so I didn’t bring lunch, and I grabbed some sushi from the deli next door. FAIL. $17 for one sushi roll, one spring roll and a Larabar. WIN for being a good Catholic and not eating meat. (Speaking of…I’m still trying to decide what to give up…)



To celebrate my blog’s birthday, I’m giving one of you a present! Since I love running with Spibelts–they can fit so much. I usually put my keys, phone, debit card and some Gu in mine when I run. I’ve asked the Spibelt folks if they can give away one to one of my readers.

So, in order to enter (each of these ways counts as one entry, for anything other than a comment, please leave ANOTHER comment telling me you’ve done so:

  • leave a comment
  • Like me on Facebook
  • Follow my RSS feed
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Tweet: “It’s Losing Weight in the City’s birthday, and @tblanchfield is giving away a @spibelt! http://bit.ly/eq4sqe”

This contest will be open until 5pm EST Thursday March 10.

Coming Up for Air

Lately, I’ve felt a little stretched thin with work, Junior League, training for two half-marathons, blogging, taking care of Bailey, nutrition classes and having a social life all taking up mental real estate as well as real estate in my calendar and on my to-do list.

I used to be AWFUL at time management. I still have a ways to go, but I’ve made some strides to make my life easier. The two biggest things that have been most helpful to me: JUST DO THE DAMN THING–it’s so much easier to get something over with than to just dread it and keep putting it off–and making lists.

I used to HATE lists (I thought I would turn into my mom), but goddamn if keeping a paper to-do list and using Google Tasks haven’t made my life easier. I keep lists in Google Tasks for Home, Work, Junior League and Blog, and yes, I sometimes put things on there just so I can erase them. I even put responding to e-mails on there, since lord knows that that can take up quite a bit of time.


And the literal parting of clouds outside has helped with the proverbial parting of clouds inside my head. THANK GOD FOR SUNSHINE.

Things I’m Loving About Today (inspired by Emily):

  • sunshine
  • a decent meeting at work
  • buying a new eyeliner (Nars Mambo, instead of my usual Nars Manon)
  • making hair and nail appointments for the ball  
  • going to the post office 201103021544.jpg



What about you? Time management expert or still learning, like me? (If you are awesome with time management…how can I be like you? :)) And anything awesome for you today?