Tag Archives: marathon

Taper Madness: 6 Days Out!

OMG. I’m running the NYC Marathon in 6 days.

So perhaps staying out really late on Saturday night wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but I wasn’t a super-responsible ; last year either. I will, however, be laying off the booze for the rest of the week and getting plenty of sleep.

You might have noticed I didn’t talk about running in DC. That’s because…well, I didn’t do any. I could make a bunch of excuses, but really, I got down there, got busy catching up with friends and didn’t make time to run. Today, the same thing happened until about 7pm, when I realized I needed to get my last “long run” of 6 miles in. Well, I started on the treadmill, and I’d had lunch too late, and I had this nausea I just couldn’t shake, so I quit after 3 miles.

But rest is good for you the week before the marathon, right? Honestly, I feel like an ass that I didn’t get my last “long run” in, but there’s nothing I can do about it now except move forward with the rest of my week and trust my training.

And I do trust my training. Knee pain aside, I do feel really well-prepared for this race. I got in probably at least 90-95% of my training runs (I’d say last year, I only got in about 80%, if that), I set a few half-marathon PRs along the way, and I just feel like a stronger runner.

Plan for the rest of the week:

Monday: 3 miles (was supposed to be 6)

Tuesday: off (after like 3 rest days this weekend. I’m doing a GREAT job of tapering! So good that I’m just not working out.)

Wednesday: 3 miles

Thursday: cross-train

Friday: 2-3 miles

Saturday: 3 miles (oh, with an elite runner, no bigs)


I’m also really trying to eat quality carb-heavy meals and not just eat junk carbs and justify it because I’m running a marathon Sunday.


Tonight, that meant an egg wrap with pesto and bruschetta for dinner–with a glass of chocolate almond milk, which is apparently not as good for muscle recovery, because it has one gram of protein. It’s still tasty, though.

While I’ve had marathoning on the brain for the past few months, I love that media is all over it, too. There’s an interesting WSJ article about the reasons people drop out before the race. Apparently, 60,000 people signed up, but “only” 45,000 people will be running it. I was actually more surprised to find out that only 2,000 people don’t finish–I would have expected that number to be way higher. I guess we marathoners are stubborn folk.

Off to go chug…some water.

30 Hours in Washington, D.C.

You guys. I pulled off an amazing surprise this weekend.

That I actually managed to pull it off is something of a feat. Even at 28, I’m the girl who wants to give you your Christmas present early because I can’t wait. I scoop myself on my own big news because I just have to tell you. (I am, however, decent at keeping others’ secrets. Blame the Catholic guilt there.)

When I saw my lovely friend Lindsay in Maine this summer, we talked about how she was going to be running the Marine Corps Marathon. I told her I’d think about coming down to watch her that weekend and then sort of forgot about it. Until earlier this week, when I realized I’d feel like a really crappy person if my best friend who lives 6,000 miles away (in paradise) was going to be 250 miles away running a marathon and I didn’t go watch her.

So Thursday afternoon, I made a gametime decision that not only would I go down to DC, but I would surprise her! I made plans to take a bus down Saturday morning, and I started emailing her mom to make plans to surprise her.


I took the bus down yesterday morning and went over to Beth’s, where I was staying. (Thanks so much for letting me stay with you!)


We went to Trio, on 17th, which was just weird. From our very eccentric waiter (yes, turkey burger is backwards) to walking through the kitchen to get to the bathroom, we had a weird lunchtime experience.


Wait, what?


From there, I went over to American (where Lindsay and I met as college roommates!) to surprise her. I sat in this little coffee shop on campus, marveled at how young the college kids looked, and waited.

Finally, Lindsay and her family walked in!!


She was so surprised!


Yeah, we had the good fortune of showing up just when it started snowing. Jake (Lindsay’s husband) had never seen the campus, so we gave him and his family a little tour.



For example, here’s our dining hall, which definitely contributed to my weight gain in college. All-you-can-eat…everything? Uh oh.



Eagle’s Nest, the convenience store.

Nothing on campus looked too different, but nothing really looked the same either. We felt really old, again.


So, um, I pretty much only went to the gym in college if Lindsay dragged me. I did enjoy swimming laps, but never would dream of going alone.



I like carb-loading, but Lindsay wanted a big salad the night before her marathon. (I know, I don’t know how we’re friends either.) We went to Ted’s Montana Grill for dinner since it was near their hotel. They had this big creepy bison on the wall. I felt sort of guilty for eating one of his friends for dinner. Sorry, bud.

I conveniently didn’t take any pictures, but afterwards, I met up with Beth and her friends for a Halloween party. I was tired and planned on staying for just a drink or two, but those are always the famous last words, and we got back to her apartment around 4am.

Which means that there was no early-morning spectating, and we rolled up to mile 26 of the marathon around 11.



Getting there around 11 meant that we were just in time to see the 3:15-3:20ish finishers, and they all looked super-strong!

I missed getting a photo of Lindsay, but I did see her, which made the entire trip worth it.


The spectators spilled onto the streets at this part. I was surprised there were no race officials there to keep them off the street.


Does the girl in the green shirt look familiar?


Once I saw Leslie, I began the long, muddy trek back to the metro.


Oh hey there.


And hello. Nice to see you.


Do they give massages after NYCM, too??

I walked to what ended up being the colossal disaster at the metro before changing my mind and walking up to Clarendon to meet friends for brunch.


A new-to-me place, Cava. There’s so many new restaurants since I left DC!


French toast. OH YES.


Fries with feta. (If you are counting, yes, that would make three meals in a row with fries.)


They got some mini pitas, which looked delicious.

After this whirlwind little trip, I am exhausted but my heart is happy from seeing all kinds of old friends all weekend. I have no desire to ever live in DC again, but it’s nice to be able to come back.

And I am alternately completely psyched up and terrified for NYCM now. I looked at the runners and thought “I can’t believe I’m going to do that next week.”


Once again, congrats to everyone who ran MCM! I can’t wait to read your recaps.