Tag Archives: marine corps marathon

MCM Training: Week 9 Recap

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I don’t know what I had to do to get an epic, but I’m not complaining.

And this is the first week in a few that I am ridiculously happy with my training, especially since work has been really intense lately.

Although, please note, my actual mileage was 39.56. DailyMile didn’t get the memo that I snuck last Monday’s two miles in to count toward the previous week.

So let’s get to some recappin’, eh?

Monday: 2 sneaky miles

Tuesday: 3 miles. Do you know how happy I was to see this on my plan? A short run during marathon training is like Christmas in July.

Wednesday: 8 miles (before work, WOO MID-DISTANCE MILES BEFORE WORK), with 3 at tempo. This was really freakin’ humid, but I fought through and emerged a sweaty beast at the end.

Thursday: I love rest days. And lamp.

Friday: Had 9 on the plan but got out of work much later than anticipated, so did Saturday’s planned 3.

Saturday: Saturday was the only day I didn’t stick to the mileage I planned, but knowing I had 18 miles planned for the next day, I was afraid to push that little bit more, and was pretty sure I didn’t have it in me. It’s hard to tell where that line of “this is good pushing yourself” and “you might get hurt if you push yourself” is, but I was so worn out, that I’m pretty sure this was the latter.

Sunday: Sunday is the kind of run that made me really glad I had a blog so I could tell you all how awesome my run was. 18 miles of awesomeness, with some hills thrown in.

I was kind of nervous about last week’s training, but I’m really satisfied with how I tackled it. This week looks like another intense one, and I’m hoping I can make another solid week happen again this week. I have 20 planned for this weekend, but I’m going on a wine tour on Saturday. The last time I did a wine tour the day before a long run, I got really lightheaded.

Should I run: at the true crack of dawn Friday, after work Friday or pretty damn early Saturday? What would you do? And how was your week o’training?

MCM Training Week 5: Lessons in Flexibility

Along with becoming the kind of person who works out in the morning, I became the kind of person who can function during the week on six hours of sleep sometimes.

In the past, if it looked like a workout would compromise my eight hours of snooze time, I snoozed on the workout. Well, there’s no time for snoozing when you have an aggressive marathon goal to pursue, and so I’ve sacrificed blogging in favor of sleep. Hey, the less I blog, the more I have to blog about, right?

So let’s talk about my Week 5 of marathon training.

I give it a solid A-.

On paper, it was great. I got in every single mile, my five scheduled runs, a session with my new trainer and learned how to be flexible in my training.

Mentally, it wasn’t the best. Sticking 100% to my mileage meant a bit of a jump from previous weeks, and that definitely showed in my pace and how easy my runs felt. (Spoiler: not easy.)

Tuesday: Personal training session with Jaz + 4-mile run. My quads and glutes were SHOT from the training session, but they loosened up as I shuffled along.

Wednesday: I had 7 miles of hills on my schedule, but for myriad reasons–starting late, not wanting to completely drench the heart monitor in sweat, not wanting to go back up to the park–I did 5 miles tempo instead.

Thursday: Rest day on my plan, which is awesome, because I have an early meeting every Thursday.

Friday: My schedule called for 4 miles, with 2 at marathon goal pace, which is a scary 9:09. How the hell am I going to do that for 26.2 miles? I now completely understand the idea of MGP runs–it’s pretty hard to hold one pace consistently, but training my body to know what 9:09 feels like will help when I’m trying to stay around that pace for three hours and fifty-nine minutes. As I looked at my Garmin, the pace for the MGP miles kept bouncing anywhere between 8:40 and 9:20. So I have no idea what MGP feels like yet. I was also sick to my stomach for whatever reason and had to stop at the awesome Chelsea Piers bathroom both before and after those two miles. I don’t envy Ali’s life.

Saturday: Woke up too late, decided to swap my long run with Sunday’s run and did six. I had four on the schedule, but I did two miles to make up for Wednesday’s run. It was hot and I felt sluggish the entire time.

Sunday: 13 miles done in sunny, hilly Franklin Lakes, NJ. As Kimra and I discussed, running in a place you don’t usually run in requires a bit more alertness to figure out where to turn and face whatever changes in terrain may come, so I never really got “in the zone.” Unless that zone was at CVS and Starbucks, where I stopped to get water (at mile 4 and then at mile 11.) My pace (10:04) was a bit slower than it had been on previous runs, but it was hot and hilly, so that makes sense, frustrating as it may be.

So, this week’s lessons learned: even though sometimes you really need to sleep in (Saturday), don’t do it both days if you don’t want your runs to suck in the summer; strength training is good for you; flexibility is key in marathon training if you want to get all your damn miles in. That’s both the legs-that-aren’t-as-tight-as-rubber-bands flexibility and the juggling-things-around flexibility.

How is your training going? How do you fit your training in around a busy schedule?