Tag Archives: nyc marathon

NYC Marathon Kick-Off

This weekend, hearing Ali and Emily talking about their current training, I started longing to be training for something again. (By the way, if you don’t already read Emily’s blog, you should. She’s training for a freaking Ironman. She took an early bus back to D.C. this morning so she could get a 100-mile bike ride in for her training. Talk about inspiring.)

Now, there’s quite a few reasons training for a marathon sucks, but finishing a 20-mile run is so incredibly satisfying, not to mention finishing the damn thing.

As Ashley and I walked to brunch yesterday, she said that she thought we should call yesterday’s run the beginning of our training season for the NYC Marathon–and I loved that idea. I’ll officially start training on July 1, but I’m going to do one 6-miler a week between now and then. I’m also going to recommit to my triathlon training schedule so that I can feel as strong on July 23 as I did yesterday.

I was feeling incredibly burned out from running after running three half marathons in a month, and I’ve definitely eased back on running since then, but I am so ready to start training again.


So I’m just going to start carb loading now. (I know I said I was going to cut back on wheat products a bit, but I’m trying get rid of some of the ones I have on hand first.)

Marathon Sunday

…is carb-loading with bagels…for spectating.

…is watching the elites run by.




It’s for cheering with your friends.

And smiling with them.

It’s for random thrift stores with punny names.

It’s for pumpkin ravioli. (YUM!)

Post-marathon celebrations with friends. (YES! That’s my training buddy Ashley, whom I’m so proud of.)

And Tumblr potlucks, with some of your favorites.

It also involves choosing your next race. More on that later.