Tag Archives: podcast

This May Be Oversharing Podcast: Episode 3, Overcoming the Vacation Sads

chefchaouen morocco


Hello hello! I’m back with another podcast episode. I’m releasing this one on Wednesday night instead of Wednesday morning because, well, I hated the first version I recorded.

I recorded this one a little faster and more off-the-cuff, and while I know there’s a few editing hiccups, this is still a learning process for me, and I’m working on ironing out kinks like those.

I talked tonight about overcoming vacation blues. I know, I know—I’m incredibly privileged to be able to travel, and I am so aware and grateful of and for that. Which is what makes me feel even worse when I feel depressed on vacation. On this episode, I talk about a few specific times this happened on my recent vacation to Spain, Morocco and Sweden—and how I dealt with it. I hope, if you’ve felt this way before, this makes you feel a little less alone.

This May Be Oversharing Podcast: Episode 2, Kat O’Leary

This May Be Oversharing Podcast: Episode 2

I have such admiration for my friend Kat O’Leary, which is why I scheduled her as my first guest! Kat works a 9-5 but has more side hustles than I can count—and more than she can remember! On this episode, Kat and I talk about everything from spirituality (including our lapsed Catholicism) to writing to running. Enjoy!

Things Mentioned on the Show

New York Junior League

Anna O’Brien: Glitter and Lazers


Hallmark Movies

Business Christmas

Year of New

Coney Island Polar Bear Dip

Write Doe Bay

Tiffany Han creativity course

Messy // Reach Out

Crystal: Episode 1

Eckhart Tolle: Power of Now

Untethered Soul

A Course in Miracles

Marianne Williamson 

Gabby Bernstein

You Are a Badass

Vipassana silent retreat

Stoop Meditation

Daily Meditation Podcast  

Inscape studio/app

Three Jewels

NYC Marathon

Follow Kat:



Spirit for Skeptics

Business Christmas  podcast