Tag Archives: race

Father’s Day 2011

When I read Ashley’s post tonight—as well as others who haven’t had the best relationships with their fathers or who have lost their fathers, I realized how lucky I am.

Lucky that I live so close to my parents now.

Lucky that I had a dad who was always there for me, no matter what.

Who was there for everything growing up, despite working 70+ hour workweeks trying to make his textile business successful, teaching me about having a strong work ethic in the process.


My dad and me when I was just days old.


Disney, when I was 4 years old


Teaching me how to ride a bike (no wonder I’m 28 years old and I tried to pick up my bike in a dress)


Dancing with me at my sweet 16. Best way to bore a bunch of 16-year-olds? Make them watch a girl and her father dance to Butterfly Kisses. (It’s a really long song.)


(My first dance)

Who was there for my first first half-marathon.


(To say it was rainy is an understatement. My poor parents were using anything possible to stay dry.)

Who taught me how to ski. (Below, Stratton 1987; Stratton 2011)


Who taught me to do the right thing, always, even if the other guy is getting away with doing something the easy way.

Who taught me how to be humble.

Who enabled my love for learning by making sure I always had enough books and answering my (million) questions. Even now, as a [so-called] adult, one of my favorite times with my dad is when I’m home for a night or a weekend and he waits up (yes, still) and we have late-night talks that go well into the morning while I fix myself some munchies after coming back from a few drinks with friends.

Who learned to love my little dog, despite saying, “I hope he doesn’t scratch my doors when you bring him home” when I told him I was going to get a dog.

Who set the bar really freakin’ high for my future husband as an example of what a loving father and husband looks like.

It’s because I have such wonderful parents that I’m so close with that I live so close to them (that and they just happen to live outside the greatest city in the world)—I don’t want to miss any important family occasions.


I came home last night and my mom made her legendary spaghetti and meatballs. I had mine with whole-wheat pasta.

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For Father’s Day, we let my dad go play golf while we ran some errands and went to see my cousin’s new baby before having dinner as a family.

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Mom, don’t get any ideas. It’s going to be at least a few years before you get one of these.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers and soon-to-be fathers out there!

Theodora On The Run

Why should Ali, Becky and Lauren have all the on-the-run fun?

Tomorrow and Thursday, I’ll be in Rhode Island for family stuff. (Good family stuff! I’m not sure yet if I can say why, but I’ll find out tomorrow.)

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Thursday evening/Friday morning in Boston for Tina’s book signing!

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Friday – Sunday for Fitbloggin’:

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I’m just packing for three different cities with a difference of 35 degrees. No big deal.

Lie. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO PACK. (That’s why I’m blogging! I apparently have quite a little history of blogging when I should be packing.)

I know I need to bring Tina’s book for her to sign (!), sneakers, running clothes, Garmin, my laptop and two cameras, but I have no idea what else to pack just yet.


I also had no idea what to eat for lunch. I didn’t even attempt to go grocery shopping on Sunday, since I knew I’d only be around for two days this week. Dori works across the street from me, so I gchatted her to ask where she thought I should go near our offices that wasn’t Pump. She suggested a bunch of places in the concourse under our buildings, and I finally went with Cafe Metro. I had half a turkey hummus sandwich on multigrain bread and a small soup with Italian sausage.


I forgot a snack at work today, so I was ravenous when I got home. I made a little plate of pizza nachos–multi-grain flaxseed tortilla chips with marinara sauce and feta cheese.


I warmed up Sunday’s pizza for dinner–in the oven! I’ve never had the patience to do that before tonight, and I really have no idea where the patience came from tonight.

I didn’t work out today because I’m still under the weather and didn’t want to push myself. This also means I skipped the NYRR Wall Street 3M, one of my fave races 🙁 But Ashley ran it and got an awesome PR! Go read her recap! I’m going to try to be easy on myself mentally about working out this week because I’m a little sick and traveling, but my rough plan for the rest of the week:

  • Wednesday: either nothing, a walk, some elliptical in the hotel gym, or a DVD. Giving myself lots of choices here.
  • Thursday: 3-4 mile run
  • Friday: some sort of exercise at the conference
  • Saturday: 8-mile run

I guess I should go pack now…

Do you exercise when you’re away or is it a welcome break from working out?