Tag Archives: restaurants

Wait? I thought this was a weight loss blog. That looks like pizza to me…

A few weeks ago, I noticed a place called The Flatz Company was following me on Twitter. Whole wheat pizza? The town next to my parents? I vowed to try it the next time I was home.

With some free time on my hands today, I drove (I do sometimes miss driving!) over there and tried out this pizza. Mozzarella, tomato sauce and pesto on their whole wheat dough. The calories — 775 for the whole thing — gave me a bit of pause when ordering, so I only had half of it and boxed up the rest. It wasn’t omg-I-will-crave-this-for-weeks good, but I would definitely try it again. They also gave me a free cappuccino as I was walking out, which was pretty sweet.

While I do miss driving sometimes, especially since I have a pretty hot little ride out here in NJ, it’s so much healthier for me not to drive. After going into Target, I got back in the car and had a piece of the leftovers. After running into the grocery store, I opened my bag of granola (see next picture…) and started nibbling on it on my way home. It’s also harder to walk everywhere here. Suburbs, you’re not bad, but I’m not ready for you yet!

I didn’t start this blog to make friends, but I have met (and corresponded with, but not yet met) some fabulous people along the way. I had e-mailed back and forth with Emily for quite some time, but we had never been able to coordinate our schedules enough to meet — until last night.

I walked up from the Village and met her at the Blue Ribbon Sushi by the Time Warner Center. Our poor waiter (waitress? The jury is still out on that one.) had to come back three or four times to ask if we were ready to order because we just couldn’t stop gabbing.

Emily and I talked and talked and talked and finally moved to another bar to keep talking. Despite the fact that we only “met” last night, I really felt like I had known her forever — we pretty much know everything about each other now. Suffice to say, I think you’ll be hearing more about my new friend Emily on this blog!