Tag Archives: running

On the Last Real Weekend of Summer, I Ran Over the George Washington Bridge

There was a blogger I used to read who got a social media job. She was a wonderful writer, but she eventually quit blogging because she said the last thing she wanted to do was come home and blog after writing social media content for her clients all day.

I’m nowhere near quitting blogging, but after a long day at work trying to figure out how to optimize our clients’ content [insert more social media buzzwords here], sometimes I just don’t have the brainpower left to attempt to string together coherent sentences for a blog post. I’ve written some god-awful posts at 10:30pm when I am exhausted and go to sleep immediately afterwards, and I’m trying to save us all from that.

Or sometimes I’m just having too much fun to blog. Life’s too short to spend it in the glow of my sweet little MacBook after sitting at a desk all day.


But I’ve had a fun past few days. Giants pre-season game the other night with Shannon and her husband in some snazzy club seats he got through work. (Also, it will forever be Giants Stadium to me, not MetLife Stadium.) The Giants were playing the Patriots, and won, of course.

I went to the 40/40 Club for Michelle’s birthday and managed to not take one picture. I’m okay with that.


I went to Rockaway yesterday with Lacey for the last beach day of the year. Cue: smallest violin in the world.

Obviously, I didn’t pass up an opportunity for a chocolate-covered banana. And I played by the rules and didn’t drink and swim.


I am not an empanada, either.



I finally tried Rockaway Taco, which I’d heard so much about. I got a tostada, which was good, but I still like my Calexico taco cart better.


But most excitingly, and most relevant to this blog, I ran 14 miles and over the George Washington Bridge this morning!

I ran with Margaret and she ran south, I ran north, and we met up around the 60s and headed off for the GWB. Growing up in NJ, driving over the bridge always meant an exciting day in the city with my family; or, one college summer, meant that I was coming in to take a photography class at NYU and pretend that I was cool and lived in the city. I’d always blast New York, New York while driving over the GWB and feel so happy to be driving into the city. While I always wanted to live here, I never thought I actually would, and I can’t believe I have lived here for four years now.

Anyway, having a destination to run to was such a welcome distraction from running endless miles up and down the East and West sides of the city or through Central Park. It was REALLY hard to find where to get up onto the bridge–and we had a little, um, adventure getting there–but so well worth it.

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It was a little foggy, and I was using an iPhone and not some fancy camera, but let me tell you, the view was well worth it.

14 miles, 9:40 pace. I’m happy.

How are you ending your summer?

Running for Mike

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This morning, my schedule called for 8 miles of hills. I had plans to go to the Giants game tonight, so I had to knock it out this morning.

I was mostly adjusted to morning running, but my runs keep going and getting longer on me. Seven miles one day last week, runs of 8, 9 and 10 in upcoming weeks. Silly marathon. While those are technically “mid-distance” runs, they’re still pretty damn long for mid-week runs that need to be squeezed in with a full day of work and usually some sort of commitment after work.

I’m nervous about those long mid-week runs coming up in the next few weeks and how I’m going to get them in.

But I’m lucky. And I’m choosing to do this. Because I enjoy it, and because I know it will pay off on October 28.

Mike had surgery this morning. It’s worth it to him, he said, if he can run again after the surgery. He’ll be on crutches for a few weeks and then have some physical therapy after that.

So I ran for him this morning.

On sore, heavy, tired legs, telling myself to STFU and just run up to the park and get my hill training in.


Who do you run for?