Tag Archives: running

I Ran Because…

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I ran 6 miles this morning.

I ran because it was on my training schedule.

But I also ran because I needed to.

To think about the past.

To think about the future.

To sweat it all out and leave it out there.

And come back and live in the present.

Where I may not have a job right now, but that just means my dream job is still out there.

I may not have met the love of my life yet, but that just means he’s still out there.

But I have a roof over my head in the city I always wanted to live in, food in my refrigerator and lots of friends and family that care about me.

And that’s enough for now. The rest will come.

A Three-Park Run

Last night while laying in bed, I was thinking about today’s run. I was supposed to do 6 yesterday, but stupidly went out at 5pm when it was still 92 degrees out. Needless to say, I made it one mile before deciding to turn around, make it 2 and get the rest in today. Laying in bed, I realized I was excited to run, but the idea of hitting the West Side Highway again made me want to stab my eyes out with dull pencils. (#firstworldproblems.)

I don’t mind running through the streets of Manhattan, but I prefer to stick to the trails (on the East or West side or in Central Park), so I don’t have to wait for lights, but sometimes running through the streets and playing photo scavenger hunt with yourself is a fun way to mix it up.

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Flatiron building.

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Madison Square Park.

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Shake Shack!

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Union Square Greenmarket

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Grand Central.

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Bryant Park

All in all, I covered just about 4 miles. My Garmin and I, however, are on non-speaking terms. I mapped this route before I left, and I know it’s right around 4 (like 3.9ish), but he said 4.5 when I got home, which I know is not true.

Who am I kidding? We’ll do a makeup run tomorrow morning.