Tag Archives: running

Why You Really Need BodyGlide

A few weeks ago, I bought a Camelbak.

I wore it on every long run between then and my half-marathon Sunday, and I had no problems with it.


Then I ran in it for exactly two hours, one minute and 41 seconds.

You may never have noticed (and I actually can’t find a picture that shows it), but I was born with a mole on my neck. It never really bothered me, so I never had it removed. That, and I am pretty afraid of needles and medical procedures, beyond donating blood and procedures I am put under for (what I’m not awake for can’t hurt me, right?!) But after my half this weekend, the camelback left my neck raw and my poor mole dangling for dear life.


So today at lunch I manned up and got it removed. What do you know? After all that freaking out, it took about two seconds to actually remove, and the needle to numb my skin was the worst of it–although the smell of burning flesh maybe wasn’t so much fun.

Moral of the Story #1: Nothing is ever as scary as you make it out to be.

Moral of the Story #2: Use. Body. Glide. On. Anything. That. Might. Get. Irritated. While. Running.

Moral of the Story #3: There’s not much sexy about running.

The Run That Fell Short

Missing my lunch and dinner posts from yesterday? Lunch was leftovers, dinner was pizza. You didn’t miss much.

This morning, I had a 12-mile run on my schedule. Ashley asked me if I wanted to run together, but I told her that I wanted to see what pace I was at running alone, so I headed up to Central Park this morning solo to knock out 12 miles. About 3 miles in, I ran into Emily’s friend, Kathleen. I was already struggling. My legs felt like lead and were really tight.

I’ve been pushing myself really hard this training cycle in order to hopefully meet my sub-2:00 goal next Sunday, and my legs definitely feel it. I’ve been slacking a bit on my yoga and strength training, and it’s crazy what a difference they make. Anyway, my plan was to run two laps of the park and call it a day, but my legs had other plans for me. I ran one full loop, and then I planned on running down Seventh Ave, across 42nd and over to the West Side Highway, to simulate the race. My legs were still tight, and I decided that with three races coming up, I shouldn’t push it, and I stopped at 8 miles. I’ve run three half-marathons before, so I’m not too worried about the distance, since I’ve conquered it before. If I don’t meet my time, I will be a little disappointed that I didn’t give it my all, but it’s still better than getting hurt.

I’m not going to lie–not running all the miles I was “supposed” to is definitely less satisfying than completing the mileage on my schedule, but taking care of my body is worth it.


Anyway, it means I got to my bagel sooner.

Speaking of yoga, I’m off to join Dori at a Beatles yoga class!