Tag Archives: running

Mmmm, Bison

I don’t know if it’s something in the blog air. but I have been absolutely sick to my stomach this morning.

I had my regular English muffin with banana and sunflower butter this morning after a surprise visit (yes, before work, before coffee) from my mom and three of her friends this morning. They were going to see a taping of The View and stopped by to say hello to a semi-groggy Theodora. I contemplated giving up coffee for Lent (whoa, I know), but realized this morning I just can’t(/don’t want to.)

For lunch, my boss, his boss and I went downstairs to Ted’s, the spot I usually go for happy hour.


I had a bison burger with a whole-wheat bun, avocado and sweet potato fries. (This is technically a recycled pic from the best lunch ever with Julia. and Selena.) I try to go for bison when I can because it’s a leaner cut of red meat.

I’m hoping my stomach settles enough for me to do my last tempo run tonight.

Just a reminder–you have until 5pm to enter my giveaway. Since I’ve had such an awesome response, the Spibelt folks have agreed to give away two more for a total of three! I’ll announce the winners in tonight’s post.

An Awful Run

With my ball coming up, I’ve had to shift around my running schedule. I’m doing my long run before work tomorrow (?!?!?!), and I did my “easy” run last night.

Except it was anything but easy.

Remember what a nice day it was at lunch yesterday? Well, I had hoped for the same when I got out of work and was planning to run outside at night–something I don’t usually do in the winter, for obvious reasons. (The cold, if it wasn’t obvious to you.)

But as I walked home last night, I psyched myself up for the run. “You do long runs outside in freezing weather, you can totally handle 4-5 miles outside.” When I got home, I went inside and quickly got changed before I could change my mind.

Between a tough speedwork session the day before and the cold and the wind, this run sucked beyond belief. I felt like I was running in place, and my legs felt like lead. My pace was really slow (for me) for such a short run. As I ran to my turnaround spot, I revised my plan to take me off the windy, windy river and run a bit more on the streets, where it would hopefully be less windy. As I got near the Duane Reade I wanted to stop at to pick a few things, the RunKeeper app on my iPhone (I forgot to charge my Garmin) read 3.4 miles. Good enough.

I’m not gonna lie–I came home and ate my feelings in takeout–a turkey burger and sweet potato fries.


(This photo stolen from one of my own old post–I didn’t have a beer last night.)

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This morning, I went back to the sunflower butter and banana sandwich. I’m addicted, what can I say?

I really hope these crappy runs mean a good race. I had a TERRIBLE run last year right before this half and went on to have an amazing race, so, fingers crossed.