Tag Archives: running

They Can’t All Be Good…

This morning, I had 10 miles on my schedule for my upcoming half-marathons. I was planning on running it with Ashley, Melissa and Ali, but it ended up just being me and Ashley–which felt a lot like marathon training.

I went out for sushi last night with Eileen and then stayed up late hanging out with Michelle and friends in my building. I climbed into bed at 2am, and set my alarm for 7–earlier than I wake up for work some days.

I woke up at 7 fairly sure I was certifiably crazy. Five hours sleep to run 10 miles? Probably not my smartest move ever. I ran the 1.5 miles to meet Ashley at her apartment and then we set out for what was supposed to be another 8.5 miles but ended up being another 9 miles. (If you plan a route at 2am, you will miscalculate. That is a scientific fact.)

(photo from a much warmer day in front of her apartment)


I absolutely made every rookie mistake in this run.

  • I didn’t sleep enough.
  • I didn’t fuel enough. I had a random oats ‘n’ honey bar that I found in my medicine cabinet this morning and then only half a Gu, because my stomach was a little unsettled.
  • I probably didn’t drink enough water.

The company, of course, was great, but the run just sucked. About two miles after leaving Ashley’s, I found the only patch of ice left in Manhattan, and I bit it–HARD. Not only did I fall, but I somehow took Ashley down with me, too. My right knee hit the pavement, and I had visions of never running again. Somehow I kicked over a trash can, too. I stood up, AND A MAN WAS LAUGHING AT ME. LAUGHING. As I gingerly stood up and clearly was trying to see if I was hurt or not. Ashley and I were fuming and starting walking again. I have a bruise on my knee, but otherwise am fine. The rest of the run just felt like it took forever and my legs were lead.

We ran down to the tip (just the tip), passed my old apartment and ran back up the west side back to my current apartment, where THE RUN FINALLY ENDED. (It didn’t feel like it ever would.) We ended up running a total of 10.5 miles.

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Ash came in to use the bathroom and snuggle with Bailey a little bit, and take this super-cute pic of Bailey “helping” me stretch before she left to finish her own run.


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I had my usual bagel (no photo today, sorry), did a little shopping with Jen, and now I’m out in NJ to celebrate my parents’ 33rd anniversary.


Doesn’t my dad look a little Ron Burgundy here???

Planning Ahead

I actually did this crazy planning food ahead thing everyone talks about. In the past nine meals, I’ve only not made one. Progress, people. I had another sunflower seed butter + banana + English muffin sandwich this morning for breakfast. While I am trying to eat less bread, I’m also not going to throw away a half-full (always half-full, my friends) package of English muffins.

For lunch, I had some risotto that I made this morning before work. (I woke up too late to work out but a little earlier than if I weren’t working out, so I made this brown rice risotto based on my blogger buddy Sarah’s recipe. My only change was that I didn’t use raddicchio…because I didn’t have any. As I was running out the door, I realized I hadn’t put any sort of protein in it, so I threw in the ground bison from the nachos last night. Verdict? Weird. Not bad, but it didn’t go with the risotto. I’m going to make some chicken sausage tonight for Round 2 tomorrow and probably some sort of green vegetable–because it, and I, need it.


After work, I headed to the gym and did a speed workout on the treadmill. I warmed up for 5 minutes, and then did 8 x 400s (for non-runners/speedwork-y people–that means I ran .25 miles eight times and jogged .125 miles in between.) It was definitely challenging, and I absolutely prefer tempo runs to speed work. I would much rather power through than take rest breaks in between and then have to start running really fast again.

For dinner, I heated up the nachos from last night. The chips got soggy. Sad face.


But I think after three dinners in a row of Mexican, I got it out of my system.