Tag Archives: running

Five-Mile Treadmill Pyramid Workout

Today I got in two very different, but very awesome workouts.


I’m starting to get so over cold-weather running. It wasn’t even that cold today, but I just didn’t feel like running the sort-of-cold weather, so I took my workout to the treadmill in my building. Jess had me doing 5 miles at an 8:30-8:40 pace. Five miles on a treadmill is still a little longer than my idea 3-4 miles on a treadmill, so I knew I’d have to mix things up a bit. According to my treadmill, a 6.9 pace was an 8:42 and a 7.1 pace was an 8:27, so the average pace was somewhere in between. I didn’t feel much difference between these different paces, but it was enough to keep me mentally engaged, knowing I’d get to mix up the pace each mile.

*Edited to add: you can, of course, change these speeds to reflect your own speed.*


[photo via Ashley]

Tonight I’d planned on my regular yoga class (hi, who am I that I now have a regular yoga class?!) at 8:30 with Annie, but Ashley talked me into an earlier class, the Lotus Flow 1 with Justin.

The class with Annie usually has 8-10 people, as it’s a later class, or, an undiscovered secret, as I like to think of it. I walked into this class, and there were 8 people in just the first two rows of a small room. I walked in a little anxious that this tightly-packed class wouldn’t be that relaxing but vowed, in the spirit of it being a yoga class, to try to be present in the moment and not think about how packed the class was.

Sure enough, it was a good class. The best takeaway, from the instructor, was to just let go. So many of us – especially crazy New Yorkers – set such high standards and just keep pushing and pushing and pushing until we get the results we want. In yoga, that can lead to injury. Justin urged us to take this feeling off the mat, too. Well, we’ll see, but it was still a nice lesson, especially for a class that I was looking to be a bit more restorative in comparison to the run I’d pushed in the morning.

Overall, the class was good, though Justin didn’t come around and adjust nearly as much as Annie does. Her adjustments are great, and help you get so much deeper into poses. We ran into her in the stairwell on the way out, and I apologized for cheating on her class.

What are your favorite workouts to balance each other out? Do you like tough yoga classes or more chill ones? (Team chill all the way here.)

DC RNR Half Training: Week 8 Update

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For once, DailyMile and I agree.

I was pretty damn happy with my runs last week and also with my mileage. Thanks to the wonders of DailyMile, I can tell you the last week I ran more than 25 miles was…the week I ran a marathon in October.

Last week was one of my peak weeks, so things didn’t feel all roses and sunshine. They felt HARD. I felt slightly achy, my legs felt exhausted, and I just generally kind of disliked Jess all week, but I’m happy to have gotten such solid workouts in.

Monday: Tempo: Was supposed to be 1.5 warmup, 3 miles @ 8:15 and 1.5 mile cooldown. IT SUCKED. None of the tempo miles got below 8:30 and my legs were exhausted.

Tuesday: Best yoga class ever.


Wednesday: Speedwork with Lululemon Run Club. I ran hard, and it was so, so satisfying.

Thursday: Rest day

Friday: I’d planned on doing my long run on Friday, but I couldn’t get out of bed…so I did 6 instead and planned on my long run for Saturday.

Saturday: 13-miler. All of my devices failed me, my legs were exhausted, but I got it in. The first 6ish with Steph and Jen were fun, but then Jess wanted me to do the last 10K at half-marathon goal pace. I misread the schedule and aimed for the last 10K at 10K pace. My legs were exhausted, though, and I ran much closer to HGP. I originally had zero desire to run 13 miles the day I planned on going to a ball and dancing all night, but my legs ended up being fine while I was dancing.

Sunday: Day after the ball? Definitely planned as a rest day. I ended up feeling fine and could have gotten a workout in…but chose to take advantage of some rest anyway.

Jess is trying to kill me this week–5 mile repeats at an 8:00 pace? Eek. Since I missed a number of workouts in the earlier weeks, we’re not doing a taper, which is totally fine by me, as my body is used to the half distance by now.

How’s your training going? Taper or no taper for halfs?