Tag Archives: training

Winner Winner Bison Dinner

After skipping Tuesday’s run, I didn’t have high hopes for today’s. I dawdled at work until I just couldn’t work any more, and finally I meandered over to the gym.

They were doing a chiropractic screening, and I thought that would be another interesting way to procrastinate my workout. He poked at my shoulders and lower back, and everything was tight. (I need a massage and yoga so badly right now.) He told me that my pelvis was slightly tilted. (Which Joel had also told me before…because Joel is a damn good trainer who knows his stuff.)

There was a trainer tag-teaming the screening with the chiropractor, and I asked the trainer what he thought I could do for the lower back pain/tilted pelvis. He suggested doing a kneeling twist. You kneel on one knee, and twist in the opposite direction with your opposite arm up. He also suggested a runner’s lunge stretch. He did not, however, suggest finding a male partner to help me untilt my pelvis. Weird.

My workout:

1 mile: running at 6.0 on the treadmill

5 minutes: 6.5

5 minutes: 6.0

5 minutes: 6.6

5 minutes: 6.0

(At this point, I was at roughly three miles and so ready to be done, so I switched up the planned workout. I should have just done another five and five, but…)

2 minutes: 6.8

2 minutes: 6.0

2 minutes: 6.9

2 minutes: 6.0

2 minutes: 7.0

I was supposed to do a mile cooldown, but because I mixed up the intervals, I was actually at around 4.3 instead of 4 by the end of 40 minutes, so I just cooled down for about 0.7 miles. I was still itching to get off the treadmill, so I just kept moving the speed around between 6.0-6.4 so I could get it done. After this workout and a relatively long week at work, I had no desire to cook. Whatsoever. I remembered Jess had tweeted about Energy Kitchen a few days ago, and I had kind of wanted it ever since. I actually used to get it pretty often back when I was first trying to lose weight. That is, until Pump opened. Pump (in my opinion) is a lot less bland than Energy Kitchen. Still, it sounded good to me tonight after a hard workout.


I ordered a side of roasted potatoes.


And a wrap with rice, beans, bison and salsa.

Oh, you probably want to know who won, right?

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Ladies! Can you email me (theodora @ theodorablanchfield.com) and send me your address?

Thanks to everyone who entered! Hopefully I’ll have another giveaway relatively soon.

Can Every Friday Be Like This???

Operation No Carb Left Behind continued yesterday with an open-faced turkey sandwich from Le Pain Quotidien and some pretzels.


I took a half day so I could get a jump on Winter Ball errands, and it was maybe the best idea Ashley’s ever had. The sandwich was a little underwhelming to my taste buds, but that was fine, because we had decided to move our long run to yesterday afternoon and I wanted something easy to digest. While I’m not a morning person, I do prefer to run in the morning so I can get it over with and not have to worry about how each meal I eat before will affect my run.

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Ashley came over, and after sitting around chatting for a bit and watching Ellen, we really didn’t want to run, but we forced ourselves out the door and said we could cut the run short if we really wanted to/had to. Having such low expectations really helped, because we were so pleasantly surprised to have a decent run that we just kept going and ended up finishing nine great miles.

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Except for this little problem. I can’t stop kicking myself when I run.

After the quickest stretching session ever, we hustled over to Bliss to get our nails did. I didn’t take a single picture because I was just too happy to be pampered after a long run. But trust it was fun, and if you really want to see pics, I’m sure Ashley will put some up.

Afterwards, Bo (her husband) came to meet up with us and we all grabbed dinner at Dos Caminos.


Guac 🙂


A margarita.


Somehow, Ashley dropped a chip on the candle and nearly burnt the restaurant down. Or, uh, just burned a little chip.


I got the pork tacos.


They were delish, and I scooped some of the leftover guac into the tacos.

Can every Friday be like this?!