Tag Archives: triathlon


Hello from the other side of a quiet, peaceful and productive Saturday.

I started it the way I start every other Saturday: JuicePress run club.


My legs felt heavy and stiff and tight, but the company was great. I’ve felt so, so tight lately, so I’ve been trying my hardest to dial back on the intensity of my workouts where possible. (Way less fun.) I’m going to a stretching workshop tomorrow at Uplift, and I can’t wait to leave there all limber and stuff. I met my Junior League run club for brunch after at Balthazar before having lots and lots of much-needed alone time after being home last weekend, LA the weekend before that, and my ball the weekend before that.

At run club, I talked to Jenna for a while about the half Ironman. She did one last year and said that while they are obviously long, she felt it was easier than a marathon.

I’ve had HIM on my mind the past few weeks, and while I’m not sure when exactly I’ll really start training, I do want to start swimming again. So I joined New York Health & Racquet again. The pool’s a little short, but it’s close and it’s month-to-month. Close being most key: the best workout is the one you’ll actually do, and for me, that’s the closest one.

Then, sweet Bailey and I sat in Madison Square Park for a while watching the other dogs and people, and making canine and human friends.



THANK GOD the sun is back.

Afterwards, I went and bought some of those snazzy pedals that allow you to both clip in or just ride regular. Next step: figure out how to actually ride clipped in. (Well, I guess the riding is the easy part…)

I spent the rest of the day cleaning/organizing/and then returning some birthday presents. FYIs: J. Crew is having an awesome 25% sale. I found white jeans that don’t suck. Poll: do I really have to wait until Memorial Day to wear them? I am very unclear where we stand on this as a world. Non-fashion blogger take on what I saw in J. Crew and C. Wonder: lots of military-inspired clothing, very little dresses and skirts. Dear stores: please get more girlie stuff in. I hate pants. 

And now I am ready to go to sleep dreaming of half-Ironmans and messaging with a boy about bacon.

Tell me your favorite tri blogs. Other than Victoria’s, of course. Would love both hard-core people and total newbs like me. 

And a huge congrats to my girl Kimra, who’s riding a million miles this weekend: from SF to Santa Cruz, and back. 

Where I’ll Be Pinning on Bibs in 2014

After the marathon, I took a long time to commit to any races. I knew I was sort of burnt out, and I didn’t know when the motivation would come back.

It’s back.

There’s FINALLY a hint of spring in the air (I ran this afternoon with my coworkers and it was AMAZING), and I’m looking forward to going back to more workouts with purpose and finding new ways to have some shweaty fun.

Screenshot 2014 03 14 19 33 26

Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler

As you know, D.C. races are always special to me, after living there for seven years, leaving and changing my life. I don’t even know if I knew this was a thing when I lived there, but since I started running, I’ve always wanted to run it but usually had too packed a spring half schedule. This year, some friends and I applied as a team and got in! Big Apple Eats the Capitol. We’re coming for you. My allergies will likely be a hot mess around the cherry blossoms, but it should still be fun.


*More | Fitness Half

This race is hard as hell. Two loops of Central Park? Yikes. This will be the fourth time I’ve run it, and I have zero goals for it other than to finish and have fun.

Brooklyn Half

Brooklyn Half

A whole bunch of my coworkers signed up for this one as their first half, and I cannot WAIT to give them hugs and high fives after they cross the finish line. I will not eat pizza the night before, so hopefully I will have a better race than last year.

Runner's World Heartbreak Hill Half

*Boston Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill Half & Festival

I had so much fun at the Runner’s World Half in October, and I’m so excited they invited me back again to play. I’ll have coupon codes for you soon, if you want to come play, too. 

Franklin Lakes Tri

Franklin Lakes Tri

This triathlon going well last year is what set the stage to start thinking about the next race I’ll talk about. I had a really fun time doing it last year, and I might have done some more tris if I hadn’t been training to break 4 hours in the marathon. 

Princeton 70.3

And…this! My first half-Ironman. I have always been really intrigued by bloggers who’ve written about Ironman training. I’m sure I could do an Ironman if I wanted to, but that is an insane time commitment. This is only half as insane, right? In all seriousness, I think it’s a good goal that will be challenging but still attainable. The Ironman PR team was kind enough to give me a free bib, and they’re hooking up a team of media athletes with lots of training assistance, which you’ll definitely hear more about. Talking to Kimra about her experience made me believe this was possible. It will take a lot of work, but I plan on having lots of fun, too.

So, I guess it’s finally time to get clipless pedals.

* denotes a free race entry in exchange for blogging about it.

Et toi? What races are you competing in this year? (What is the correct verb for tris? Running? Competing?)