Oh hai blog

I swear I didn’t forget you existed! Some technical difficulties combined with a gorgeous day and a busy day at work make for light posting.

To catch up on what I’ve eaten since we chatted last. That yummy pic of the rice last night was a brown rice and shrimp stir-fry from Josie’s, a nice organic restaurant in Murray Hill.

This morning, I was all set to make some eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast when I realized my iPhone was having some serious problems. I dropped everything and ran to the Apple store (c’mon, I can’t blog as much/well without my iPhone!) to try to fix the problem, hoping to get my Starbucks wrap and they were sold out. So, smoothie for breakfast, no coffee, I have had a headache all day. 

Ceasar salad for lunch, SoyJoy bar. I am still starving!

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