Other fitness blogs — and a shoutout from Mary Rambin!

Last August, I got my Wired magazine and was surprised there was a pretty, 20-something woman on the cover. The story was about Julia Allison, a blogger living in NYC — where I was about to move. She’s apparently one of the most hated people on the Internet, but, hey, that also means she’s one of the most known people on the Internet. Anyway, I started reading her blog and have been hooked ever since. I also started reading her cobloggers’ blogs, Mary and Meghan.

Mary may be a god-awful speller, which, sometimes makes her posts a bit hard to read for this grammar nazi, but her blog’s gotten better and better. She also teaches occasional spin classes and is really into fitness. To that end, she’s been devoting posts on Mondays for the past to weeks to fitness tips and secrets — including how to set up your spin bike! Now, I’ve been taking spin classes for the past year and a half, but I never, never knew the handlebars were supposed to be below the saddle. I could feel if the seat was too high or too low, but that was the extent of setting up my bike correctly.

Yesterday, she asked for readers’ favorite fitness blogs, so, learning from her coblogger, I took the liberty to do a little self-promotion and sent her a link to this here little blog, which she linked to! Hello NonSociety readers and thanks for visiting. Hope you like what you see, and feel free to let me know if you don’t. (Which I’m sure you will.) I’m a professional writer, but still trying to get my blogging sea legs.

And thanks for the shout-out, Mary!

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