As mentioned in my last post, my brain is fried. I couldn’t take pics today of what I was eating, because I totally would have been that crazy girl. But…I had some fruit and a piece of whole-grain toast for breakfast. My body missed having protein. For lunch, I had a salad. At my self-imposed snacktime, I snuck a Luna bar on the show floor. I’m currently enjoying a little me time at the hotel before a cocktail party and dinner at Fogo de Chao (where I will definitely make up for the lack of protein I had this morning!)
Between now and then I would like to:
- work out (I have a pretty good feeling that won’t happen today…because then I’d have to shower again and that pretty much eats up all my spare time right now)
- get a pedicure
- nap
I think that the last one will definitely happen?