One More Hour!

One more hour to enter my Spring Shape-Up! (And you, too, can be this hot on the beach!)

I know y’all are busy folk, but do this for yourself!

Because I know you’re all busy, the next person to e-mail me and enter gets one week immunity. (Yes, I stole the “immunity” from my girlcrush/trainercrush Jillian Michaels.)

Because, to be honest, I joined Nutritionista’s Winter Shape-Up Challenge (which inspired this here challenge), and I stopped e-mailing her maybe three weeks in. I didn’t lose any more weight after that, either. Coincidence? I think not.

So the next person to e-mail me (losingweightinthecity at gmail dot com) can miss one check-in without being removed from the running for the grand prize (TBA).

*Story behind photo: I’m discussing New Year’s in Key West with a friend right now, and was going to ask how far from the beach is the hotel we’re looking at. But this photo does a way better job of asking that. And inspiring you to shape up? Maybe?

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