Last night, I braved the torrential downpour that hit the East Coast to go on a double date. In Brooklyn. We were supposed to go to Fette Sau, but we ended up going to the Roebling Tea Room because of the long wait at Fette Sau.
When my friend texted to meet at the Roebling Tea Room, I raised my eyebrow at my phone. Tea? I’m hungry. I was thinking it’d be like Teaism in DC, which is good, but not where one would expect the nice, warm, hearty dinner one wants during a terrible storm. Apparently the Roebling Team Room does have an extensive tea list, but I stuck with beer. We started with shrimp puppies (like hush puppies, but with shrimp):
And then I had roast chicken with kale (!) for dinner. I had kind of wanted something more exciting than chicken for dinner, but roast chicken fit the warm-comfort-food-without-being-too-bad-for-me bill.
I’m about to get on a conference call and REALLY REALLY hoping that the rain will hold out long enough for me to get in a run afterwards.