Rain, Rain, Go Away…

I’m about to start looking for an ark. 

I was supposed to do a tape run this morning, but it’s pretty gross in NYC right now, and since I was already sick, I didn’t want to risk it. I was going to spin, but I got to the gym and the class was full. Before last year, I would have taken that as a sign to turn around and go home. (I wish I was kidding. I’d purposely [purposefully?] not bring headphones so I couldn’t do anything else.) But this morning, I dragged myself over to the XpressLine and did some shoulder press, leg press, chest press and lat pulldown action. I also did 25 mountain-climbers, a back extension and a :30 plank. (I have a weak lower back/core. I need to do planks, but they are NOT FUN for me.)

I came home, and made some kale chips:

I had the kale chips with half of a sweet potato (microwaved) and some chicken.

I really think the sweet potato was genetically modified. Check out how big it is!

One comment on “Rain, Rain, Go Away…

  1. Mollie

    Hi! I’ve been a follower of your blog for a little big now and I love it. Such great inspiration. Since starting in January I’m down 20 lbs and your posts really keep me going & inspired. I was wondering if you could share your Kale Chip recipe with me. I purchased my first bag of greens and am dying to try it out! Thanks so much.


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