Day 2!

Aside from scowling at my alarm clock the past two mornings and raising my eyebrow at the jerks who’ve jostled me on the subway, I’ve been walking around with a smile on my face the past two days.

I started my job yesterday, and I’m doing social media for a major magazine publisher. Since I was in high school, I knew I wanted to work for a magazine publisher, and since I discovered the power of the Internet in publishing at my last job in D.C., I knew I wanted to work on the digital side full-time.

But combine the two? Yeah, this is my dream job. I get to use a lot of what I taught myself on this blog at work, as well as some of the connections I’ve made. It’s going to be hard work, but I have a feeling it will be enormously rewarding.

My office is in midtown, and every time I walk past the windows, I steal a peek at Central Park and smile to myself. I’m a pretty happy lady right now, I’m not going to lie.

Oh, also, one of the editors at one the magazines has been reading *this silly blog* for the past year! Wow! (I definitely blushed when my boss told me that one.)

And I’m also still a pretty healthy lady, too! Here’s my eats for today. (Sadly, no gym…back tomorrow!)

I was attracted by the Irish-ness of this oatmeal, but I really prefer Whole Foods’ steel-cut oats to these — they’re a little thicker.

This looks weirder than it tasted. It’s quinoa, an Amy’s veggie burger and a package of frozen veggies, all microwaved before work this morning separately, and then microwaved together at work and brought outside for lunch al fresco.

I had a Junior League meeting after work, and so after a loooooong day, the last thing I wanted to do was cook. Luckily, Pump was still open…

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