Uh oh…

I met my friend Meg for lunch at Vero Wine Bar (yes, where I was the other night) because they were having a $19 panini + salad + wine special. I had the chopped salad…

Good start…

And the mozzarella and proscuitto panini. I ate maybe half of the bread. The waitress brought me a second glass of wine, which we split, because my panini took so long. Meg was waiting for a ride, so we went to Rosa Mexicano and got margaritas.

For dinner, I got fajitas at Mad Dog & Beans. And another margarita.

And I haven’t worked out since Wednesday. My bank account and my energy levels are both depleted right now. I’m going to plan out meals and workouts today. And I’m going to workout today, too. I am terrified of gaining back weight.

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