Playing Tourist

My friends Tina and Tamsin were in town this weekend, so I played tourist all weekend. (I secretly enjoy this — I do things I usually wouldn’t do.) After getting spinach feta wraps and sitting in Battery Park, we got half-price tickets at the TKTS booth and went to the Guggenheim and walked around Central Park.

We had tickets to see Promises, Promises, so we went to Lure Fishbar for dinner. The spinach feta wrap is amazing, as you know, but if you’re walking around all day, a spinach feta wrap and a hot dog grabbed from a vendor isn’t really enough to eat, so by the time we sat down, we were RAVENOUS. I had the scallops with their seasonal vegetables. The scallops were good, but I kind of wish I had tried something else; scallops are sort of my default seafood.

I love wine, but I don’t know a ton about it. If I recognize a wine on a wine list and it’s on the lower end of the price range, I’ll usually get it. I noticed a Craggy Range sauvignon blanc on the menu and ordered it. AMAZING. I highly recommend it.

We had this banana chocolate chip bread pudding for dessert, split between the three of us. It was topped with crème brulée and came with ice cream and a banana to dredge in the chocolate on the plate. I’m usually more of a savory than sweet kinda lady, but OMG.

The play was amazing, and the rest of the night involved champagne, beer and dancing. No pictures of that, though 🙂

We went for brunch this morning and, again, we were ravenously hungry. (Notice a theme?) I inhaled my food far too quickly to photograph it, but it was ugly and unhealthy. Think mac ‘n’ cheese, french toast, omelette, potatoes, etc. Naturally, it made me sick to my stomach immediately. 

After my friends left, my parents came in to celebrate Father’s Day. We went to the USS Intrepid (it’s a GINORMOUS aircraft carrier docked in the Hudson):

And then got pizza and salad at Adrienne’s:

After my parents left, I skipped out on my long run and went for a long bike ride instead. I’m going to wake up super-early to do my long run tomorrow morning; I just didn’t have it in me tonight. I wasn’t hungry but felt like I should eat when I got back so I had a salmon burger and a sweet potato:

It was a great weekend, but I’m BEAT, so I’m going to sleep early so I can wake up early and take this week on!

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