Hello from Chicago!

Yesterday, I got into Chicago bright and early and met up with Sarah, one of my roomies at the Healthy Living Summit, to start exploring.



We stopped for some Mexican, because Sarah said they had good margaritas. Of course, I got fajitas:


I didn’t run or go to a gym yesterday, but Sarah and I walked ALL DAY. We estimated that we walked around eight miles or so. I love when exercise is just a part of my day like that. After we checked in to the hotel and met up with our other roomies, Heather and Kate, we went to the LaSalle Power Company for an OpenSky cocktail party:


And ordered sushi when we got back to the hotel!


They had an awesome breakfast for us this morning…but unfortunately they ran out of pre-made plain oatmeal by the time I got up to the front of the line. And only nut-flavored oatmeals were left. So, despite being told yesterday I might have a gluten intolerance (BIG UNHAPPY FACE, more info after I see the doctor next week), I went for a bagel thin with a thin layer of cream cheese and some fruit.

All the healthy bloggers love nut butters and other nut products, so I’m really hoping for some more nut-free options. I’m learning some interesting stuff that I’ll share later!

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