Listen to me on the radio tomorrow!

So, I was just going about my day off today when I got a direct message on Twitter from my boss. (I work in social media; that’s how we roll.) He said that someone might want to talk to me about promoting health and fitness online. A little while later, I got another direct message and hopped on the phone with Tonya Hall, who hosts a radio show covering social media. 

I’m going to be on her show tomorrow morning at 10am Eastern talking about this here blog, health/fitness and social media and how I parlayed blogging about health and fitness into a career doing social media for major consumer magazines. You can listen here. This is only my second radio interview ever, so I’m excited/nervous! (The first one was when I lived in DC, talking about new media and politics.)

So, clearly I had Pump to celebrate, minus the cheese. (I can’t find my memory cards from my camera, so this is a recycled photo.)

And now I’m off to yoga. Between being nervous for this interview and the uneasiness I’ve had waiting to find out whether I have celiac or not, I NEED IT.

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