D.C. Friends in NYC!

Tina and Tamsin are still here, and we picked up another tonight—Anna was in town tonight, so we all went out for dinner.

After brunch (not pictured—I forgot my camera card, but it was crab cakes benedict!), I sent my friends off to the Met and to do some sightseeing while I took some much-needed me time. Good friends are friends that understand that while you love hanging out with them and having them visit, sometimes you need some time to yourself. I went to the gym and took Bailey on a long walk and relaxed a bit before meeting up with the girls.

Anna had come over, and we walked over to Dean’s, an Italian restaurant in Tribeca. The restaurant serves everything family-style, so I got some chicken marsala and split some other dishes with the girls. Anna’s penne with vodka was the best, followed by Tamsin’s spaghetti and meatballs. I ordered the chicken marsala for its relative simplicity, but I was most underwhelmed by my own dish.

If you’re wondering why I’m having pasta when I said the other day I was going to go gluten-free, I’ve decided I’m just going to try to see what keeps my stomach happy—a few days of gluten-free didn’t seem to help either, so I’m going to wait until I get a diagnosis (or not) before trying to go totally gluten-free. I may just do gluten-light until then.

Either way, after a weekend of fun food with friends, I’m back to veggie lovin’ tomorrow.

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