Monday Musings

  • Taking a decongestant when already dehydrated from running 20 miles=not the brightest idea I’ve ever had. I should be eating a lot today to recover, but I have no appetite and am even more dehydrated.
  • Ben—which other Tumblrs have been following for a while—has blown up. Caitlin wrote about him today, and his video’s pretty amazing, even if you’ve been following him for a while. Long story short, he went from 300+ pounds to finishing an Ironman recently.
  • Meg’s roommate, Kate has MS and is struggling pretty hard. Check out her plea for help here and her memories about running here, and be thankful for your health everyday.
  • Hershey (as in the chocolate!) is offering free sessions with nutritionists! Check out the deets here.

On a lighter note, my lunch was amazing. A honey mustard turkey burger, quinoa salad and green beans:

Check back tomorrow for more marathon training thoughts and SOME NEWS SO EXCITING I CAN’T MENTION IT WITHOUT CAPS.

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