Chocolate That’s Good For You!

At the Healthy Living Summit, I received a bag of Adora calcium supplements. I wasn’t terribly excited about the idea of calcium supplements—until I realized they were chocolate disks!

Since I try to stay away from milk/dairy to be kind to my sensitive stomach, I’m probably not getting enough calcium without a supplement. I take a calcium-magnesium-zinc supplement sometimes, but it’s not made out of chocolate. These little disks are so yummy that I would eat them if they weren’t good for me! They’re only 30 calories, and they have 500 mg calcium, 250 IU vitamin D and 40 mg magnesium. They come in both dark and milk chocolate varieties and are extra-yummy after they’ve been refrigerated.

And I have two bags to give away to a lucky winner!

So how can you enter?

  • Reblog this post [Tumblr users only, obviously]
  • Comment on this post and tell me whether you love dark or milk chocolate.
  • Tweet “Theodora’s giving away @adoracalcium!” with a link to this post—and come back and comment that you’ve done so.
  • Subscribe to my RSS, and leave a comment that you’ve done so.
  • Subscribe to my e-mail, and leave a comment that you’ve done so.
  • “Like” Losing Weight in the City on Facebook and leave a comment that you’ve done so.

Each method gives you one entry, and you can enter as many times as you like between now and 5pm EST Friday.

One comment on “

  1. Elise

    I wonder if you still have or have new event such as this one here. I would love to participate and maybe get a chance at winning some freebies. It would be an honor having such event this year of 2012.


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