My Next Race

I’ve learned that I definitely need a goal to stay motivated. Some past goals were losing 50 pounds, training for a half-marathon and training for a full marathon.

Since running that sucker a month ago, I’ve definitely been struggling with staying motivated. Without a goal in sight, I have found myself rudderless in regards to my fitness.

I knew I had to pick another race to motivate me. I need to run two more races with the NYRR 9+1 in order to get into the NYC Marathon next year. I’m signed up for a four-miler (the Race to Deliver, on 11/21), but I wanted something a little longer before tackling some more half-marathons in the spring…

So, I have decided that I will run the Ted Corbitt 15K. It’s long enough (that’s about 9mi) to feel like it’s a big enough goal to be training for, but it’s short enough that I don’t have to bust my ass too hard. Plus, it should be an easy way for me to PR since I have definitely picked up some speed since this time last year.

Here’s the training plan I’ll be following, thanks to Runner’s World Smart Coach:

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