Blog Makeover!

When I started this blog nearly two years ago, I had no idea what I was doing, but I wanted to be able to get posts up quickly and easily and not fuss with the tech stuff. (Ironically enough, since I’m kind of a dork with that kind of stuff.) And so, I started my blog on Tumblr, and it served me well. I met some amazing people through Tumblr and I consider it the gateway drug to more traditional/long-form blogging.

I’ve learned a ton about blogging since then, and I wanted to give WordPress and all of its bells and whistles a try. Plus, I’m excited for its native commenting system, which is much more straightforward than Disqus is on Tumblr. (It’s still up now, but once the migration is 100% complete, I will be switching to the native WordPress commenting system.)

I wish I had screenshots of early Losing Weight in the City. It was really simple–green background with white letters, changed a few months later to pink background with white letters. Last year, I designed a header myself:

Screen shot 2011-02-09 at 10.36.29 PM.png

I thought it wasn’t bad for my designing it myself, but after a few months, I wanted something more. I put a lot of time and effort into my blog, and I wanted the design to reflect that. I started e-mailing with Blain and Kevin (who designed Tina’s, Sarah’s and Caitlin’s blogs.) They were really patient with my somewhat nitpicky questions and requests, and I am so happy with the finished product that you are looking at right now.

Losing Weight in the City.jpeg

I hope that my header (and my blog in general) convey that I have fun in the city and still manage to stay healthy.

So, what do you think???

18 comments on “Blog Makeover!

  1. Jennschac

    Can you turn on full post reading for feeds? I read your blog in google reader and would like to be able to continue doing that!! Thanks πŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous

    AHhhhhhh!! I love it! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Look how cute you and bailey dog look!!! πŸ™‚ It is seriously great. One thing- and it might be the resolution on my computer, since I have two monitors with a shared desktop…the “tags” column are overlapping your pictures. Make sense?? Anyway, it is a GREAT start!


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