Why Today is Awesome

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Yes, I am that girl that just cut-and-pasted the weather report. But after a frigid winter, this is pretty amazing. Sunshine outside = sunshine in my mood, too.


  • I broke these out today. I also broke out the birthday dress and trench coat. (Dear everyone I walked past on the way to work: I was not naked under my trench coat. It’s just longer than my dress.)
  • I’ve been rocking out to some awesomely cheesy music. I nearly danced my way to work listening to the music we listened to last weekend and now I’m trying not to dance at my desk.
  • I’m going to party like it’s my birthday tonight. Rest assured, healthy decisions will not be made.
  • Tamsin’s coming to visit!


  • Breakfast was a banana and almond butter sandwich.
  • I actually ran before work!!! The nice weather and knowing that there was happy hour at the end of the tunnel certainly helped, although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t snooze for an hour and I wasn’t rubbing the sleepies out of my eyes the entire time. But I did it. IN SHORTS. And I guess that might also be why I’m in an awesome mood. Maybe all you morning exercisers are on to something…photo(18).JPG
  • I passed a whole bunch of people wearing cheeseheads on my way to work. I think, technically, they were protesting, but I prefer to think that they just like cheese a lot.
  • Three-day weekend. Enough said.

Is today awesome for you, too?

(P.S. If you think I’m awesome, nominate me for the Women’s Health blogroll. It’d be cool. Or don’t. Thanks :))

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