A Face of Determination

Um, or something like that.

I got my race pics.

You know how they’re usually pretty good and you all wonder how I get decent race pics?

Yeah, not this time.

Picture 66.png

Was I running through a sandstorm?

Picture 67.png

Did I eat a lemon halfway through the race?

[Side note: the Camelbak chafed me again. Looking at this picture, I can see it’s bouncing up and down. I need to tighten it–this is clearly moving around a lot.]

Picture 68.png

Gritting your teeth totally makes you run faster, right?

Picture 69.png

The faster I stop my watch, the better my time will be.

Tonight, I have my first and only run between these races, and I am psyched for it. So, while I’ve signed up for a few more races, I’m definitely going to try to enjoy them rather than focus so hard on a time. I’m also going to use this time between now and July (when I’ll begin to train for the NYC Marathon) to get my eating, strength and cross-training back on track and get in better shape again.

9 comments on “A Face of Determination

  1. Mads@ Mum's on the run

    I’m running the NYC marathon too so will be interested to follow your training. My first marathon and I’m coming all the way from England to do it so it had better be as good as everyone says it is!

  2. Nina Lynne

    Hehe love your commentary too. That’s normally how all my running pictures come out. Actually that’s normally how ALL my pics come out running or not. LOL

  3. Kimra

    I frankly didn’t believe that good race pictures could possibly exist until I saw some of your earlier ones … so it’s a bit of a relief to see that you’re also human in front of the unkind race cameras!

  4. Brittany

    The professional pictures from my 1st half in February, were awwwful! I look so pissed off! I remember thinking while i was walking, why the heck are you taking my picture?! But there were some awesome ones, there was one where i was SMILING!


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