Lunch with a Vipr

This has felt like an incredibly long week, so I’ve been doing little things to make myself feel better all week.


A spinach feta wrap this morning.

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Buying this gym bag that I’ve had my eye on for awhile (and then getting Equinox to do a price adjustment when I saw that Lululemon themselves sell it for $30 less.)


A slice of whole-wheat toast with sunflower butter and chocolate chips as a snack last night.

And then, after hearing some not-so-awesome news at work today, I decided to have lunch with a vipr.

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Not a cobra.

I tried the Vipr class at Equinox at lunch today. I’m trying to remember to do more strength training, and this looked like an awesome challenge. When I walked into the class, I thought the Vipr stick, a nine-pound hollow tube, was really just like a thicker weight bar.

The instructor said that it was more difficult than regular weights because the weight was spread across the tube, rather than concentrated in one area. We did a lot of “functional” movements, like hoisting the tube over your shoulder, “shoveling snow,” and “raking leaves.” There were also close to a million lunges and squats, and we did not stop moving for even one second. It was so difficult that everyone was a sweaty mess, and the instructor slipped in a pool of sweat and wiped out towards the end of class. (She was okay.) I really enjoyed this class, and would definitely do it again.


For lunch, I got some relatively healthy comfort food at the Equinox cafe: meatballs, wild rice and Brussels sprouts.

And now I’m craving something sweet…

7 comments on “Lunch with a Vipr

  1. Meg

    That gym bag and those meatballs look wonderful! I always feel good coming and reading some of your old posts. Very inspiring when I feel a little discouraged 🙂 Thanks for being you! xx

  2. Kim

    I have been wanting that gym bag for a while too.. just trying to justify it since my little drawstring bag is working fine for $15 :/

    I read a ton of healthy living blogs and I finally came to catch up on yours and I am hooked. So inspiring 🙂


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