Can I Get a High Five?


Can I get a high five?? (Or eat my camera? Same thing.)

It’s barely 10am, I had nowhere to be that required me to be up early, but I’ve already run 6 miles (I tweeted that I ran 5, but I realized that I messed up my Garmin again, so it’s 6!) and lifted. Yesterday, I was just not feeling running alone today, so I tweeted to see if anyone wanted to run today, and my girl Ashley said she did. She ran over here and met me at 6:45am, and we ran to the river.


We split after a little after a mile, and I continued running downtown. I got to 2.5, and I just couldn’t stomach turning around and running the same 2.5 miles again, so I just kept running down until I got to my old ‘hood and went to the Equinox down there to lift before hopping on the subway. I’m getting a little sick of running the same route over and over again–I really need to start mixing things up.


I had a serious craving for a spinach feta wrap, so I stopped at Starbucks on my way home for a wrap and iced coffee. And yes, with one fell swoop of a Sharpie, I became a dude. (That cup says Theadore. Serious fail.)


Speaking of dudes, this little one was still sleeping when I got home. He’s not training for a marathon.

But I am! I know it’s super-early in the training season, but this was a workout that made me feel really strong and excited for the marathon. If I keep strong and injury-free like this, I think 4:30 is possible.

17 comments on “Can I Get a High Five?

  1. Carol Blanchfield

    Come home to the country for awhile, we don’t run but
    we sit on the patio and drink Mint Julips and go shopping,

    Love you

  2. Jen Correa

    You totally deserve a high-5! Great way to start a day! Agreed on the boring routes. I’m about to start training for NYC and I’m sick of my run routes… not much to choose from in Staten Island either. booo

  3. Sokphal

    Giving you a high five! Love your blog! (Found it through Anne P’s blog). Keep up the good work! 🙂

  4. Michelle

    Why is Bailey so cute!?! I love him!

    Also, good for you! Even on days I have nothing to do I hem and haw about getting out of the house to workout. I don’t know why. I LOVE to run, but apparently I love mindless internet surfing and lifetime movies more! It’s getting easier now that it’s not cold out!

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Michelle: Oh man, ME TOO. I think that’s another reason I’m so proud of myself for yesterday morning’s workout–I had nowhere to be yet I still got out of bed early and worked out!

  5. Alison @ The Peacock Diaries

    Oh, Starbucks. Do you watch NY1? Pat Kiernan has a section on his blog of Starbucks “alter egos”.

    Daisy –> Jay-Z. Ian –> Eaom

    I kind of wish I drank coffee just for the funny cup names. Kind of like I want an iPhone for the hilarious autocorrect action. I do enjoy the spelling humor 🙂


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