Keeping Busy

I have to keep busy, or I will go crazy.

[So, judging by my last few posts, I haven’t been busy enough these past few days.]

During the day, I need to break up the interviewing/prepping/following up with trips to the gym and long walks around the city with my camera. (I’m realizing photography makes me much happier than I ever realized.) And projects around my apartment. Like going through all the papers that are shoved in a “Misc.” folder. And making some sense of the mess above my fridge.


Or, you know, just take it to my kitchen. (And yes, that is indeed the smallest squeeze of BBQ sauce ever. The TJ’s BBQ sauce has some SERIOUS kick.)

Mostly, I just need to manage my stress to keep my stomach happy. The more relaxed I am, the less it bothers me.

I need to remember that good things come to those who wait and all those other silly cliches that…are actually true. I need to remember that this really is a time for me to figure out what it is I really want to be doing, and also that tons of other people have been through this before and have come out stronger for it.


And I need to remember to keep eating well so that my body doesn’t hang on to any more physical stress and inflammation than it needs to. This morning, that was oatmeal with flaxseed, almond milk, sunflower butter and some sliced banana. And iced coffee in a Solo cup, because I’m classy like that.

7 comments on “Keeping Busy

  1. Julie @ Wearing Mascara

    Hey girlie, keep you head up. I’m happy that you are taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being aware of these things is key and a huge step in the right direction. I know everything will work out with time. You = awesome! 🙂

  2. Sarah

    Hi! Love reading your blog! I must ask, is that the TJ’s Kansas City BBQ sauce? I fell in love with the Kansas City sauce @ Williams Sonoma last night but they were sold out and I saw online that TJ’s makes a Kansas City type sauce, too! Before I trek into the city to get the TJ’s version, would you mind telling me what the name of the one you like from TJ’s! Thanks!!

  3. [SMASH]

    I’m sure it’s hard but just keep doin’ your thang, girl. Good things come to those who wait [and work their booties off in the meantime!].


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