Back to Reality

I am finally back in NYC! After 4.5 hours of sleep last night, we woke up at 5am this morning to drive back to NYC. By 9am, I was dropping Lacey off at work, and by 10:15 I was back at my parents’ house dropping off the car. By 10:16, I was faceplanted in my bed.

But I have just a bit more beach awesomeness to post about before returning to regular, less-exciting life.


I forgot to post this the other day, but I had AMAZING fish tacos at the beach the other night. I’ve craved them since I was in OBX, and I finally got some awesome ones on Saturday.


Last night, Jen’s parents made another feast for us. I love that they serve grilled food on their Lenox. So cute.


Grilled chicken.


Jen’s adorable mom. (She was warned this was going on the blog.)




Green beans.


After our dinner, we walked 2.5 miles up the boardwalk to Atlantic City to watch fireworks, and I learned that I cannot take a decent picture of fireworks to save my life. We spent most of the way walking back singing to American-themed songs and being generally ridiculous, and it was awesome. (And yes, we were sober.)


After our long walk, we stopped for ice cream. I saw “banana whips” a.k.a. banana soft serve on the menu and had to try it.


Verdict? Awesome, and I need to make some myself now.

The one thing you’ll find conspicuously absent in my posts this weekend is running and/or other exercise. With late nights out every night we were there, I succumbed to sleeping in every morning, too. While the sleep was glorious and I don’t usually get bent out of shape about missing workouts, I’m not usually training for a marathon. I’m a little upset with myself I skipped two runs (and even more upset I missed a chance to run in a new place!) while I was there, especially when I have an awesome coach to hold me accountable. But I can’t change the past, so I’m just going to jump back up on the horse and get back into my training.

7 comments on “Back to Reality

  1. Alison @ The Peacock Diaries

    Looks like fun! I’m kind of wishing I’d gotten some beach time this holiday weekend…sadly, my job had other ideas.

    Fireworks pictures are REALLY hard. Can’t really do it with a point and shoot, you need a DSLR with a tripod and a bit of trial and error with the settings. I do think the one you posted is very pretty 🙂

    1. Theodora Post author

      Thanks! I looked at my SLR for about two seconds before deciding to just go with the point-and-shoot.

  2. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    This is the second time I’ve heard of these “banana whips,” but I’ve never tried them!! I need to keep an eye out, they sound awesome.

    In other news, I’m coming back to the city TODAY!! I need to see you soon!!


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