Running With Boys + Sprint Tri Photos

This morning, I had plans to run six miles with a friend who lives in my building. I was freaking out about an interview and all ready to cancel on him, but he wouldn’t let me.

Fine. I’ll run.

Per usual, I’m glad I did. I was WIPED OUT when I came back, but I also had some serious runners’ high.

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Running with boys is tough. He seriously kicked my ass. So much so that we ran into my friend Tiffany while out, and she thought he was my coach. (Marc, watch out!) I was supposed to do six miles, but I misjudged and we ended up back at our building at 5.5. But in just under 50 minutes, or a 8:59 pace (which is fast for me for over 5 miles), so I was okay with that.

It took me a really long time to pull myself off the floor.

Sprint Tri Photos

I finally got them back. They’re um, interesting, to say the least. I’m disappointed, also, that they only caught bike photos and no running photos (and I guess they don’t catch swim photos.) Honestly, this race left a terrible taste in my mouth, and I do really want to find a good redemption one that won’t interfere with marathon training too much. If not, I know of a tri I’m definitely doing next year–the Franklin Lakes/Wyckoff tri! (Hometown tri.)

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Life is great! I finished the swim! I love my bike! I’m doing my first triathlon!

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How can I smile for the camera and not fall? (Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall.)

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I have HOW MANY MORE miles? On a bike? When can I run??

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I hate this picture. I was so angry. If you don’t ever want to see this face again, then don’t mess with me.

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Hello? What’s that? Oh. Right. I just finished my first triathlon!!!

Internet Domination

I am now two guest posts closer to total internet domination.

Check ’em out:

Marathons + Moderation on Healthy, Happier Bear (or, how to train for a marathon without giving up alcohol)

How to Keep Your Next Run from Ending in the Port-a-Potty on Carrots ‘n’ Cake (or, how to not poop your pants while running)

You can keep drinking and you won’t poop your pants. See? No reason to not run a marathon.

Questions: Do you ever run with dudes? Are you faster than them? (While it’s awesome to be faster than a guy, I actually prefer running with a guy who’s faster than me. It means he’s more hardcore.) Do you smile for race photos or am I the only cheeseball? What do you do to keep your stomach calm while running? Have you ever been in a hot air balloon? Did you freak the hell out? Because that’s what I’m doing right now.

17 comments on “Running With Boys + Sprint Tri Photos

  1. Jenny @ Fitness Health and Food

    Hi there!

    I LOVE your photos and think you look fabulous! Congrats on the awesome race! I’ve been considering doing another tri now that I’ve moved to the northeast and seeing your great pics is getting me even more excited to look into it.

    I don’t mind running with guys. My favorite running buddy is my pup (who’s a canine guy 😉 ) but sometimes I get my husband to join as well. As I run much more often it’s usually easier for me.

    So glad I saw your post on Tina’s blog so I could find your fabulous site! 🙂

  2. Michelle

    Oh man. I smile at ever camera I see on the racecourse. I’m such a cheese puff. The worst was the NYC Half. Most of the pictures were normal but the ones from Times Square were absurd. I was hamming it up like no other. At one point I was doing something like raising the roof. *shakes head*

    Good luck in the balloon! They scare the crap out of me! I know the baskets are probably sturdy but they look like picnic baskets!!

  3. ellen

    great pics! i’ve been running with a little group that is waaay faster than me (a few guys and girls). i LOVE running with people who are faster than i am. i find that i don’t normally push myself as much as i can — but running with faster people forces me to pick it up a bit.

  4. Brie @ Brie Fit

    I occasionally run races with my husband. He is of the “sprint really hard because I’m a tall dude…then walk for a bit because man, running is hard, rinse and repeat” school of running, where as I’m more of a slow-and-steady girl. I’ve beaten him in every race we’ve done this way.

  5. Kimra

    My husband and I started running around the same time, and we used to run together; I was even a little faster, I’d bet. Then he got really really speedy all of a sudden — we did every training run together for our first 10K, then on race day he finished in like 47 minutes to my 59 — so “running together” is now more like “leaving the apartment together.” He may be pacing me at my upcoming half, though.

  6. Carol Blanchfield

    I love the photos, even the walk the Bike one,
    Determination on your face, you didn’t give up, that is what
    makes a true Athelete,love you


  7. Corrie Anne

    Oooh. I run with my husband a lot, but I tend to put in more mileage than he does. That puts me at an advantage during long runs, but he can always kick it in a 5k or less.

  8. Mindy @ GlutenFreeMinG

    I love the banana phone photo!! I have super picture radar, and always try to know where every possible camera is so I can cheeze it good!! People think i’m photogenic, but it’s all lies… I’m just savvy about posing and knowing when someone’s about to shoot!

  9. flyer printing

    WOW, I cannot run that far.. Great for you! Those were pretty great and inspiring shots, I’m thinking of making a daily routine activity not just jogging. I’m glad to see this post.. You look awesome by the way..

  10. melissa (fitnessnyc)

    I have run with boys on several occasions, generally I make them slow to my pace, but that’s just not possible with Frank,he runs over 2 minutes faster per mile, so generally we start together and finish apart. But I like to start races with boys because they set a fast pace.

  11. Brianna

    Although it didn’t go as planned, it’s so awesome that you completed it! A similar thing happened to one of the men at the sprint tri I volunteered at last weekend and I think it’s so awesome that you finished the race. Good luck for your next tri!!!

  12. Brianna

    Although it didn’t go as planned, it’s so awesome that you completed it! A similar thing happened to one of the men at the sprint tri I volunteered at last weekend and I think it’s so awesome that you finished the race. Good luck for your next tri!!!


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