Grateful For…

My freelance gig ended yesterday, so I’m back in my regular office.



With my regular assistant. (He kind of sleeps on the job.)

While of course I’m a little bummed that the freelance gig came to an end, I’m grateful that I learned more about coypwriting and the fashion and beauty industry. I’m grateful that I had a paycheck again for a few weeks.

Once I am regularly employed again, I will be grateful for:

  • a regular paycheck
  • direct deposit
  • regular health insurance
  • stability
  • a [semi]-normal schedule

But in this self-employed phase, I am grateful for:

  • flexibility
  • the ability to pursue any opportunity I want
  • lots of time with Bailey
  • lots of time to focus on my health and training
  • amazing friends and family
  • perspective that these hard times make the good times so much sweeter


I’m also grateful for banana sandwiches.

What are you grateful for right now?


16 comments on “Grateful For…

  1. Carol @ Lucky Zucca

    I love this post! It is so positive. One of my favorite things to do is to think on what I am especially thankful for that day. It really puts things in perspective. Today, I’m really thankful for my boyman letting me sleep in this week and taking the puppy running, thankful for the time I got to spend with my mom yesterday, thankful that I’ll get to go to our lake house this weekend, and thankful for nostalgia and happy memories.

    Thanks for this post! I really enjoyed it :]

  2. Holly

    I love this post! 🙂

    I’m grateful that today was payday (!), that I have a loving and loyal group of friends, and that I’m finally having some job opportunities open up for me after a year of miserable employment and sending out application after application with no response. Don’t worry, a time will come when opportunities will abound!

  3. Beth @ Beth's Journey

    Love this post. I think it’s so important to look on the bright side of things even when times are tough! I am grateful for a steady job, an extremely supportive family, and bigger and better things in my future. =)

  4. Debbie

    I’m grateful that the mechanic was able to swap out the alternators in the plane on such short notice (yea! for having the foresight to keep spare parts on the shelf) so we are still able to fly ourselves to our AZ house instead of having to face the horror that is commercial travel over a major holiday weekend {shudder}. & for this great guacamole salad i made for lunch!

  5. Hillary WB

    Love this post.

    Right now I’m grateful for (slightly) cooler weather, meeting some really nice folks during a four hour wait at the DMV this morning to get my name updated on my license, for being able to cook a delicious and healthy lunch while working from home today, and that my fiancee is home safe and sound after a week and a half of travels!

  6. Carol Blanchfield

    I’m grateful for so many things in my life,
    Being healthy, having a wonderful husband and great daughter that has learned what’s important and the true meaning of life!!
    In the words of Scarlet O’Hara
    After all Tomorrow is another Day!!!!

  7. Kimra

    I’m grateful that my “home office” comes with cats, even when they yowl at me.

    I’m grateful that the construction on my street is not directly outside my window today. No jackhammers!

    I’m grateful for swimming, which gives me the zen of running without any of the stress/pain I’ve been feeling lately.

    And I’m grateful for cornflakes, because they are delicious.

  8. Allison

    I am grateful for my friends and family who have taken care of me the past two days while I’ve been sick- good company, diet ginger ale, chicken noodle soup, bananas, and trashy TV!

  9. tracey

    I am grateful that an absolutely insane workweek is almost over, and I am headed to Vegas for 50 hours this weekend to meet up with a friend I have known for 25+ years. Tomorrow night at this time I will be jetting across the country with a smile on my face.

    I love how you are staying so positive during this transition period in your life!


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