Cufflink Giveaway!

As you may know, I’m working with some freelance social media clients (and doing some freelance writing) while looking for my next awesome job.

One of the clients I’m working with is a company called Cufflink Systems.


The Cufflink is a wristband for your iPhone that’s perfect for walking, hiking and biking. (But probably not running.) It gives you easy access to your phone while keeping it secured to your wrist, and it’s easy to pop it off in case you need to take a phone call. Or take a picture or something.

And I’m giving one away!

You know how these things work:

This contest will be open until 12pm Monday.

26 comments on “Cufflink Giveaway!

  1. Christine

    I’d use it for walks with my dog – I’m always holding my iPhone in one hand and his leash in the other – makes it difficult to pick up after him!!

  2. Jessie

    I’d use this for walks and riding on the bike. I’m tryin’ to get healthy again 🙂 I also followed Cufflink on Twitter and liked them on Facebook!

  3. Kaelin

    I am crossing my fingers and hoping to get my hands on a new iphone when it comes out next month!! I would love to have this on my long walks with my dog!

  4. Laurie

    I would use it while I bike…..I am training for my first triathlon and I would love to have my phone with me for safety reasons!

  5. Rachel

    I would totally use it for bike riding also. Checking my phone while biking is so dangerous but this would be perfect!

  6. Elizabeth

    I am a new iphone convert and I cannot stand being away from it while I am working out.
    This would be awesome for when I am walking my puppy Lola.

  7. Laura

    I could use this during several activities but I immediately thought of the times I am walking the neighborhood with my kids and need my hands to hold theirs, the dog leash or their abandoned jackets and water bottles. You know moms are always the pack mules 😉

  8. Jordan @ food, sweat, and beers

    Ooooh I think I’d love one of these for long trecks through (get this) the grocery store. Seriously, I spend more time walking through the grocery store than needed, I’m sure, but I always used my iPhone to crank the cool tunes as I dance through the aisles. It ALWAYS gets the headphones caught in the cart, though.


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